[center][img] http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEyOC5mNDc5MDYuZEc5aWRRLCwuMAAAAAAA/doodlowers.regular.png[/img][/center] [h3]Chapter 1 | [color=LemonChiffon]A New Horizon[/color][/h3] [hr] Tobu ran. Using the tooth of the battlement as a stepping-stone, he launched himself at Daku. Blade arcing, he landed in Water Upon the Rocks, an attack from above. Bone clanged upon bone, and his muscles strained against his master’s parry. Daku’s thin lips curved into a smile, making his peppered beard rustle. “Keep that up and you’ll have my title before long.” Eyeing him through the mesh of their blades, Tobu smirked. [color=chocolate]“It’s all yours.”[/color] Immediately, he realized his mistake, but it was too late. His pressure waned as his concentration slipped. Daku’s heavy biceps flexed. Tobu was blown back as if by a gust of wind, feet scraping along the desert floor. He threw a dusty foot to the ground in a Low Moon stance, his knees bent and back straight. At the same time, he tossed a hand to the same red sands . His palms scraped the stone and dust as he skidded to a halt. He looked up, only to find Daku's blade hurtling towards his face. Pressing against the ground, he vaulted backwards, diving beneath the blade’s tip. Landing on the balls of his feet, he peered through his brown hair. Daku rose to his full, impressive height. Despite the chill in the air, the man was bare- chested, wearing only his traditional leather belt adorned with pelts and feathers. His frame was tanned dark from the unforgiving sun. A long scar ran diagonally across his chest. A few more white lines marred his shoulders and arms. There was not a scrap of fat on him. Lit by the dawning sun, Daku stood in High Moon. His back leg was heavily bent, holding the majority of his weight, while his front foot rested lightly upon the ground. It was a stance most could learn, but few could ever master. Tobu rose. [color=chocolate]“You tricked me.”[/color] Daku broke High Moon. Hands clasping his head, hr began to lounge. “Don’t listen to me then, or, better yet, don’t talk back. Besides, you should know my tools by now—tools which a Akit'r should always have at his disposal.” He scoffed. [color=chocolate]“Tools? They are clearly tricks and you know it.”[/color] His palms stung and he saw peeled callouses, raw and pink, like a shaved beet. [color=chocolate]“And why do I always seem to get hurt around you?”[/color] Daku shrugged innocently. “Not sure, I don’t get hurt.” There was a subtle shift in the air, and Tobu focused, becoming acutely aware of his surroundings. Sharpening his senses at will was a skill of the Akit'r, harnessed over years of intense training. Brushing the dirt from his black tunic, he regained his balance and raised his blade. But Daku was looking away, gazing over the beautiful desert and the bustling of thier people. Something weighed heavily on his master’s features. There were shadows in the man’s eyes. [color=chocolate]“Is it true?”[/color] he asked. “Rumors are rumors, Daku. Besides, you should not concern yourself with it. As Akit'r, we hunt.” [color=chocolate]“You’re avoiding the question. I want to know, is it true they are back?"[/color] Tobu countered “Say their name. Only a fool fears a name.” [color=chocolate]“I can’t...”[/color] “Then I’ll say it for you.” [color=chocolate]“Don’t—”[/color] “Ronin,” Daku said, interrupting him. Tobu’s breath caught. His father, mother, two brothers and sisters, cousins, and his grandmother made up the Ronin, the most revered Akit'r and hunters known. They had been gone for weeks, apparently hunting a beast that had been terrorising the tribe for months. “Wake up!” Daku bellowed, and he was glad to see the years had shed from masters face. Daku's stance switched from High Moon to Low Moon, one leg sweeping back. Tobu saw his opening, but kept his face blank. “So are you going to sight-see, or for once are you going to actually hit...” He didn’t let Daku finish and charged with a fierce cry, blade raised for Heron in the Reeds. Daku smiled as if he were waiting for it, blade flickering into Full Moon, covering his head. In the last moment, Tobu gathered his meager power. Daku's blade appeared from nowhere, but he rolled beneath it, teeth clenched. As he landed, he twisted. Fisher in the Shallows. He lashed at Daku’s legs, ready to retract the blow in victory. Daku had lost. Elation lanced through him. Abruptly, his master smirked and his hand smacked a hidden block of stone. Still moving, Tobu hit the ground. Instinctively, he tucked and rolled on the hard dirt. [color=chocolate]"Are you kidding me!"[/color] he bellowed dragging himself up to dust his furs. Daku cackled, placing his Guraka back in it sleuth. "I said tools all Akit'r should have. he mocked, turning away from Tobu. Go get ready for the hunt." Tobu grumbled angrily as he walked away. His master always did things like that. If he was any slower, that stone would have sent him two weeks back. Tobu headed for the oasis, squeezing past the crowds worked in preparation for the ending of another Cycle. Grabbing a bow and quiver on his way there, he met with the hunting party. It was a special treat to have an Akit'r in training join them for a hunt, but Tobu paid no attention. He was all to used to it. With a sigh, and small talk being made, Tobu went about cleaning his Guraka, and his hand.