Markus enjoyed his meal in peace eating each part of the body they had his favorite was their torso and arms since they held the most muscle mass he growled a little sensing someone around that would ruin his meal but calmed down when he saw it was riley their leader. When she said to finish his meal and follow her Markus sighed a little but took one last bite from both ghouls and swallowed feeling full as he soon followed her. Markus couldn't remember when he joined up with the heathen pack but he knows the leader didn't mind that he ate other ghouls she hasn't attacked him either despite how unstable he seemed. Simply doing that much got his loyalty to her plus they both had masks like wolves and he liked that. He kept behind her and once they got the entrance to the club Markus sat down against a wall not really caring about being wet but hunting in the rain would be hard for any ghoul since it dulled their senses. Thankfully Markus already ate his fill for a while. As he started to relax the voices started to talk again and he growled [color=green]"shut up I don't have regrets about eating you because you were about to eat a child....quit your whining you big baby"[/color] Markus quietly yelled looking to his right side then his left side as if he was talking to people despite them not being their. This happened all the time when he would have to deal with the ghouls that he ate it was rare for Markus to get any sleep because of it and if he took his mask off then people would see the dark rings under his eyes to prove it...