Damien laughed,"Well that's one thing about this school, it is a very different place, but like you said in a good way." Tamisha nodded in agreement then spoke,"I told her she needs to apply for cheer squad, I think she'd be good." Damien nodded in agreement after listening,"Yeah I think you should too, it's a lot of fun I hear and everyone gets along pretty good.Well, at least-" "Everybody but April,"Tamisha commented,"but don't worry about her nobody like her.Not even the cheer coach and she loves everybody." Amanda finally spoke up,"Tryouts are in early October, I'm not sure of the exact date though.Ill let you know." The lunch bell rang loudly. Damien stood and said,"Aight y'all see y'all Saturday at noon in the food court." He turned and walked off and Tamisha and Amanda both left to go to their sclasses. (OOC-You can do a post about the rest of the day or week up until Friday if you want.My next post will skip to Saturday at the mall.)