[h3][color=fbf374]Olivier Laine[/color][/h3][img]http://i.imgur.com/ms4Ow8a.png[/img] [color=b4f694]Libra the Ralts[/color] [b][Route 701 - Pokémon Center][/b] [@Sketcher] Sitting alone at a table, Olivier had his hand upon his chin, staring blankly at some non-descript item across the room. [color=fbf374][i]Libra was hurt pretty badly. I had no idea that simple forest Pokémon could be truly that dangerous. Yes, I know they mentioned they were in school, but I... I thought Libra would be strong. I really thought we'd be fine, and now...[/i][/color] His form wilted as he felt himself wracked with guilt. Brows furrowed, he let out an aggravated grunt. [color=fbf374][i]I can't just sit here and feel sorry for myself. Libra's tough, he'll be fine. Maybe I should just go for a walk or something until the nurse calls for me.[/i][/color] Picking himself from his seat, he looked out of one of the large glass windows only to see a man with several well-trained Pokémon. Immediately sitting back down he hung his head. [color=fbf374][i]...oh great. If he challenges me, I get to wait here [/i]again[i]... well... for now, since I don't have any usable Pokémon, I should be all right. I can just... take a walk outside. Right? Probably.[/i][/color] Once again, Olivier picked himself up, confidently making his way towards the door. Pushing open the Center's double doors, the man standing in the courtyard would get a clear view of the blonde. The feminine figure would appear around 15-17 at a glance, with fair features and a slender frame. Olivier was currently in his Academy Uniform; a black suit top and pants with a red tie and white undershirt. The academy logo would be embroidered upon the collar. Slipping past the door, the blonde's green eyes would scan the courtyard, in hopes to find a bench, or something to to occupy himself with. Making his way towards a bench, he did his best to slip past the veteran Trainer. Keeping his eye on the black-haired man, he didn't notice the small Totodile that was standing between him and the bench he had sought out. His foot caught something, and upon noticing that his balance was off, he looked down. [color=fbf374]"O-Oh...No, no nono....."[/color] Was about all he could mutter before he fell forward over the Pokémon's tail, his hands thankfully stopping what would've been an embarrassing face-plant. Still though, it wasn't exactly graceful. With a groan, and now scraped hands, Olivier picked himself back up, brushing the debris from his pants. [color=fbf374][i]Great, if he didn't want a battle before, he'll probably kick my ass now since I tripped over his partner. Hrngh.[/i][/color] Turning back over to the Totodile, he shot it an apologetic glance before speaking, [color=fbf374]"...Sorry... I should've been watching where I was walking..."[/color]