Hey you were controlling my character with out permission. You said the boy seemed to be trying to lift the barrel. Also you said he had a collar around his neck. I don't remember saying he had one but then again I don't des ibex the boys look in the ic, but still i didn't say he had one. Also I was trying to have the boy in the back of the tavern where he wasn't going to be noticed. That I failed to mention. Mind if I fix my post by adding the boys desc and mentioning the boy and peach were in the back at one point discussing the barrel? Also I didn't say the boy was running to and Thor. I like your post besides control my character- assuming it's the same boy. Would you mind changing your pat so it's not controlling the boy and that the boy and barrel isn't noticed? I messed that part up " He spotted something that stood out, a small child that seemed to be trying to lift a wooden barrel that's twice the size he was. he noticed that there was a collar around his neck,he frowned from the site of it. It wasn't uncommon for certain cities to allow slaves,though he still felt sad about knowing that,he himself was once targeted for it,though with his...odd skill set he was able to handle that particular event. He noticed he was getting a few odd looks here and there,being a rabbit beast-kin and all."Why are there so many people staring at me..? is it hard to believe that I'd be traveling alone?" He thought as he waited for a waiter as well as his contact to appear.After a sum of 20 minutes passing by,he started to think maybe he got the wrong tavern,though he noticed the boy slave from before running to and fro from inside and outside the tavern constantly at a rather fast pace. He wondered what he could be doing."