[h3][color=#0174DF]Wye Coldren[/color][/h3] [b][Route 701 - Outside the Pokémon Center][/b] The black haired trainer's head turned to see someone trip over the Totodile. The Totodile fell on her side, struggling for a moment before rolling on her belly and pushing herself up to her feet, proud with the feat. She looked at the person who tripped over her with a similarly smug pride. The other pokemon snickered at their unfortunate friend, with the Metagross' laughter ringing hollow and hearty at the same time from the metal body. The young trainer turned to look at the person who tripped over his pokemon. He stared for a moment before speaking up. [color=#0174DF]"Uh... It's fine,"[/color] he said, glancing at the Totodile as if for confirmation. A small grin crept up his lips as he tried to choose his words. [color=#0174DF]"Are you alright?"[/color] The Totodile didn't seem to like the smile her trainer had, glaring at him.