Nora didn't see anyone who seemed to be paying attention to the small boy talking with her. There was one lady walking around with a clipboard asking for names from everyone, but even she only shot a glance at Ted before moving past him in his row. Nora sat in the row next to him, the woman would probably be back soon for her name. Ted looked down at his feet, kicked them slightly and shook his head. "No." He finally said, before glancing up at Nora to see her reaction. He was biting his lip a little. He let his glance drop back down, and before Nora could ask him another question the Doctor had returned with two blankets and pillows. "It seems there are dozens of these shelters all over town. They have access to a garden on the top as well. We saw those coming in. The big domes on top of most of the buildings. Well interestingly enough there are ally ways that cut through all the buildings so you can cross under the garden domes and the storm doesn't hit as hard there as it does the main streets." The Doctor paused taking in both Nora and Ted's looks. "What did I miss?"