[@Fae] [color=ed1c24]"Boy, oh boy!"[/color] An unnaturally jolly voice totally unfitting this grim place very suddenly rung right over Kit's shoulder. [color=ed1c24]"Don't be so sad! Nothing's wrong with a carefully maintained daily regimen!" [/color] Gustav circled his great pal and sat at the same table opposite of her - he always appeared unexpectedly and always spoke first to the people, seeing as when somebody else wanted to speak with [i]him[/i] he never was around. [color=ed1c24]"Oooh, what are we having today, good friend?"[/color] He inquired with seemingly earnest interest, intently staring at Kit's tray. Nobody was really sure if Gustav was the way he is because the asylum already broke him, because it was his personal sort of madness or because he had his own reasons. [color=ed1c24]"Eggywegs, sweet![/color] Without even letting Kit reply or react, he plucked the egg right from her fingers and proceeded to enthusiastically finish peeling it. [color=ed1c24]"Why, don't you know that cholesterols are very bad for a young spry girl such as yourself? Tell me if you still want it though, i'll even peel it for you! But first tell me, how was your day?"[/color]