"I did not mean to disappoint you," Emil said, his voice deeply sympathetic, believable to anyone, though he did not believe it one bit himself. "I do however think you are placing the blame on the wrong people, we have done nothing wrong yet, I believe a job like this does not need a violent touch as well, in fact I don't think any job should end in violence, but you seem to be thinking that we are the one's who are going to be going in there guns blazing, but we have planned nothing of the sort." His face made it seem like he actually thought that this mission would be the best use of their time, even if he actually thought that there were much more important things they could be assigned to rather than saving some rich political person's daughter, but that's what he gets for working freelance now. "I think the best use of our time right now would be to get back the work, planning is key for a mission such as this and we don't want to jeopardize the integrity of the assignment. How much time do you think we have before the other organization is going to move in?" He had a look of sincere concern on his face, he felt nothing.