Niijima slipped out of his school jacket like butter before she finished dragging him, as he assumed Ally was with the group of bullies. He laughed maniacally, as he had outsmarted them once again. "Have fun, Weak-Knees!" Niijima laughed, as he ran off in the distance. Ijime didn't give Kiro a chance to attack this time, as he charged at Kiro, as he shot his left arm for a punch, following it up quickly with a hard right hook. Kiro froze, as the first punch came flying at him. His body tensed up, as he remembered the heaviness of Ijime's punches. He got hit hard in the face, as his head jolted backwards. Blood shot out from his nose, as he stumbled backwards, but didn't fall down this time. Before Kiro had time to react, he was hit with Ijime's right hook, as he came very close to falling over, but stood his ground. Kiro huffed and puffed, as he put his fists back up. '[i]Just concentrate. You-You can do this![/i]' Kiro encouraged himself. Ijime came in for another another straight, [quote]"You need to step forward before your opponents momentum can build up. With most fighters, by the time you see the punch coming, it's already too late."[/quote] Kiro heard Bakusa's voice in his head, as he watched for Ijime's shoulder to give him a signal of sorts. Once he saw the opportunity, Kiro deflected the punch away, as he stepped in. Kiro took too long in his follow-up, as Ijime took the moment of hesitation to his advantage. Ijime shot up with an uppercut from his other hand, pivoting his left foot simultaneously to go the most power out of the punch. "You almost had me there! Nice try!" The bully laughed, as the punch drove deep into Kiro's abdomen, if it went any farther, one would probably see its outline on the other side of Kiro. Kiro's eyes went quite wide, as he was hit by the powerful attack, practically being lifted upward by the brute's force. Blood flew out from his mouth, as he landed on the ground. He tried to catch his breath, as he held his hand over his stomach. '[i]I-I was too slow.[/i]' He barely managed to even keep his thoughts in order, as he struggled very much just to stand back up. "You want some more, do you?" Ijime chuckled, as he towered above the small hero.