[hider=The bastard blacksmith] [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=Yellow]Tiras Sky[/color][/h1] [img]http://worldofwonder.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/tumblr_mqfilxUub51su0jaqo1_250.gif[/img] [color=Yellow][sub]"I make the finest steel"[/sub][/color][/center] [hr][hr] [color=Yellow]◾[/color] Name: [indent]Tiras Sky-The bastard blacksmith[/indent] [color=yellow]◾[/color] Age: [indent]18[/indent] [color=yellow]◾[/color] Gender: [indent]Male[/indent] [color=yellow]◾[/color] Sexuality: [indent]Heterosexual[/indent] [color=yellow]◾[/color] Origins: [indent]Unknown-raised in Mount Promonon [/indent] [color=yellow]◾[/color] Residence: [indent]Hyland's keep[/indent] [center][hr][img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/b51d536d437d6c2bae196cb69895bf1b/tumblr_mnvfglCyYp1qc9hpdo1_250.gif[/img][hr][/center] [center][color=yellow]◾[/color] Loyal [color=yellow]◾[/color] Outsider [color=yellow]◾[/color]Honest[color=yellow]◾[/color]Short tempered [color=yellow]◾[/color][/center] [color=yellow]◾[/color] Personality: [indent]Tiras is passionate about black smithing and an honest man. However, his short temper gives him the reputation of one not to short hand. He is not one to speak loudly unless enraged or, if one were to get close enough, emotional. He is rather average in smartness, but quick enough to survive. He is kind to those that earn his friendship and respect, which is not many. He is often silent, speaking only occasionally...the feeling of being an outsider shaped that quirk.[/indent] [color=yellow]◾[/color] Role & Career: [indent]Tiras is the royal blacksmith. He does work for lords and ladies along with his own family. If one can get enough money, then he will create a piece for those not of royal blood.[/indent] [color=yellow]◾[/color] Hobbies & Interests: [indent] -Black smithing -Reading -Falconry -Horseback riding -Jousting[/indent] [color=yellow]◾[/color] Likes & Dislikes: [indent] -He enjoys being outdoors around animals and the open air -He enjoys molding steel and other metals into other things -He enjoys participating in jousts along with watching. (He has gotten quite good) -He dislikes being lied to -He hates cruelty toward animals -He hates being short handed for his work[/indent] [color=yellow]◾[/color] Other: [indent] -He owns a falcon who is often seen without a cover. This is odd and can be attributed to him training the bird well -He is quite tall at 6 foot 1 -He tends to wear all black. Forgoing any colors and usually the attire is somewhere between Royal and blacksmith. He does have a ring with the house symbol on it. This allows him to be treated a bit better in some places. -When he enters the mind of his fox his eyes change from green to a feral amber. -His fox is named kit since the fox has a very puppy like personality. -Kit weighs 30 pounds and is more then capable of using weight to his advantage....and teeth. [/indent] [center][hr][img]http://www.caracara.org/birding/archi00/img_trip_large/gray_fox.jpg[/img][hr][/center] [color=yellow]◾[/color] Family Members: [indent] -Edwin Hyland -Juliana Hyland -Maria Sky [/indent] [color=yellow]◾[/color] Biography: [indent]Tiras' beginning is not fully known. He was brought home with his sister by his father from travels and does not know whom his mother is. It is rumored that his mother is a lady of the desert. He was raised alongside his family, treated not quite like a royal, but not quite like a regular towns person especially since he was living with the royals. He did not have to learn the same exact things the rest of his family did, but sought out books of history, archery, falconry, and black smithing. He particularly found a knack for training animals and black smithing. His unusual ease around animals was perceived as odd, but Tiras and others did not think much of it. When Tiras was 10 years of age, he found a reddish fox kit. It seemed that it was either abandoned or the mother had died. Tiras took the kit in and raised it with the help of his sister. He felt an odd bond form with it and discovered a few months later that he was having dreams typical of a warg. Not long after that, he figured out that he could enter his fox's mind and control him. He kept his abilities secret, but is never seen apart from the fox. His sister had found out about the ability when they were young, but she has kept the secret. Many assume the fox is always there due to Tiras not having many friends, so he has the fox and that works just fine for him. He was trained to blacksmith by the previous Royal blacksmith and since their death has taken over that role. [/indent] [/hider]