[hider=Lady Juliana Hyland] [hr][hr] [center][h1][img]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=121279&s=55&t=Lady%20Juliana%20Hyland&c=f6989d [/img][/h1] [img]http://45.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m26j49P5wd1qjea65o1_500.gif [/img] [color=f6989d][sub]"Victoria Amat Sapientes - Victory loves carefulness." "Careful what you say and who you say you it to." [/sub][/color][/center] [hr][hr] [color=f6989d]◾[/color] Name: [indent]Lady Juliana Dae Hyland She responded to the nickname of [i]Jewels[/i] from her siblings and parents, often used only in tender moments. [/indent] [color=f6989d]◾[/color] Age: [indent]17[/indent] [color=f6989d]◾[/color] Gender: [indent]Female[/indent] [color=f6989d]◾[/color] Sexuality: [indent]Heterosexual[/indent] [color=f6989d]◾[/color] Origins: [indent]Mount Promonon[/indent] [color=f6989d]◾[/color] Residence: [indent]Mount Promonon, Hyland's Keep[/indent] [center][hr][img]http://45.media.tumblr.com/873e20ba4e6767c8bc5d895312a5c4a9/tumblr_nrpr3y1uk71utwuf8o2_500.gif[/img][hr][/center] [center][color=f6989d]◾Intelligent[/color] [color=f6989d]◾Vindictive[/color] [color=f6989d]◾Charismatic[/color] [color=f6989d]◾Willful◾[/color][/center] [color=f6989d]◾[/color] Personality: [indent] Juliana is a true lady of a noble family, and takes comfort in that knowledge. Trained since she could scarcely walk to present herself as such, she uses her charm and wit to play the part expected of her. She has an easy manner about her with large crowds and in difficult situations, but is often forced to bit her tongue to avoid be labeled as an outspoken and intolerable young woman. Although she is more than able to present herself with grace, her wit and temper often sneak out, and her willfulness often caused her trouble when she was a child. Juliana was labeled as high spirited by her parents and nurses, and that trait was never truly stamped out of her. Like many of the Hyland children, she is intelligent and tends to be manipulative of people outside of her family. As the second daughter, Juliana was given more freedoms to do as she pleased without the pressures of being an heir or first child thrown into marriage. At a young age she became obsessed with the horror stories of the forest and old ‘monsters’ stories the children heard. The obsession has grown and mixed with her own morbid fascination with power and ambition. This, along with her wild temper, escape at times during times of trouble. Luckily, her darkness has been seen by very few.[/indent] [color=f6989d]◾[/color] Role & Career: [indent] Second daughter of the Lord and Lady of Hyland. She sees herself of a servant to her family and her own wild ambition, with a desire of using her interest in the old religion to further her family's gain.[/indent] [color=f6989d]◾[/color] Hobbies & Interests: [indent]~The Old Gods and powers they keep hidden ~Plants and poisons ~Astronomy ~Philosophy [/indent] [color=f6989d]◾[/color] Likes & Dislikes: [indent]+Reading +Star Gazing +Horse riding +Archery +Sweets/desserts -Needlework -The ocean and large bodies of water -Perceived injustice/cruelty of the weak or innocent -Bloody/messy deaths -Tournaments[/indent] [color=f6989d]◾[/color] Other: Appearance and Dress [indent] Juliana looks her age but holds a curious wisdom in her grey-green eyes. She has pale ivory skin from her life in the castle and gloomy climate. She had waist length black hair that has a natural and gentle wave, which she considers her best quality. She had a long nose and slightly pointed chin with an oval face. Although she looks stern with her eyebrow raised, her face looks young and carefree when she smiles and laughs. Juliana is of average height with a slender build. She has a long neck and fingers that she showcases with her gowns and rings. She dresses in the appropriate gowns and style of court, wearing fine silks and linens. Her favorite gown for daily tasks is a simple forest green gown with a decorate belt and brown riding boots. Her cloak is an warm, expensive emerald green piece with a golden brooch and fur lined hood. She prefers to wear her hair down and to the side, only bothering with headpieces during special occasions.[/indent] [center][hr][img]https://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0qavs0rHN1qkj24uo1_500.gif [/img][hr][/center] [color=f6989d]◾[/color] Family Members: [indent]◾ King of the Mountain, Father ◾ Queen of the Mountain Julia Hyland, Mother ◾ Lady Emmaline Hyland, Older Sister ◾ Lord Edwin Hyland, Oldest Brother ◾ Lord Balian Hyland, Older Brother ◾ Lord Trystan Hyland, Older Brother ◾ Tiras Sky, Half Brother (Maria's Twin) ◾ Maria Sky, Half Sister (Tiras's Twin) ◾ Lord Emerin Hyland, Uncle [/indent] [color=f6989d]◾[/color] Biography: [indent]Juliana is the second daughter of Hyland, born during a harsh winter storm. Being born a girl, only a small celebration was had, and the birth, she was told, had been difficult on her lady mother. Despite the disappointment in another girl, she was raised with the same love and rights as her other trueborn siblings. She was taught the role and duties of a woman, and is able to present herself like a true lady. Juliana hates any of the ‘women’s work’ and will often sneak away to the library in the castle or to explore the land around her home. Juliana soon found it was easier to ask forgiveness then permission, and uses this and her charm to her advantage. Since she was small Juliana was a reader of the macabre, learning about the cruel history of the lands and Kingdom, and tales from centuries before. The interest grew into a curiosity of the old Gods and stories of powers that no man could dream of. Although her family worships the one true God and she follows the religious rituals, in her heart she believes in the old Gods of stories and worlds long gone. Her interest in the Gods are not pure; her worship surrounding what they had can do for her. Juliana speaks to no one about this dark truth, although she aspires to study and become a priestess if she is able to escape Hyland and any marriage her family may arrange for her. She has spent years studying the few books she can find in secret, along with learning about poisons and dreaming of using her skills to help her family find their rightful place on the throne.[/indent] [/hider]