[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Y5qvdnt.png[/img] [h2]Ai [color=#0051ff]"Gorilla Girl"[/color] Song[/h2][/center] [b]"[color=#0051ff]Sorry![/color]"[/b] Cried an accented voice, which was quickly muffled by the weakest war cry any delinquent could muster. Ai Somng stood in the middle of an attack, knuckles already bruised and bloodied by teeth and noses and hard, hard weapons. She was used to things like this already, the ambushes, the curses, the angry, angry losers. Most couldn't understand her unbridled strength (and that was fine; Ai didn't really get it either), others were just so adamant about getting her rank. Either way, Ai wasn't going to let these silly school boys knock her down-- not yet. Wind whistled above her head as a bat swung just a bit too close for comfort. Ai lowered into a tight crouch and then burst forward, tackling her assailant down into the mud. A windpipe squeezed under her fist, and once the choked gasp of her enemy burst forward she freed him and dodged to the left. A pipe nailed her shoulder, knocking away the little balance she had collected. It struck again, this time burrowing into her stomach, and Ai held back a grunt of pain. [b]"Fucking bitch!"[/b] Screamed the pipe-wielding student, raising his arms again, and Ai took his moment of set up to twist over and knock him off his feet. She was up a second afterward, grabbing one end of the pipe to get the student into a choke hold. He was practically lifted off his feet as she straightened and turned to the remaining three boys, eyes dark and dangerous beneath the brim of her Adidas hat. [b]"[color=#0051ff]Are we done playing yet? I'm getting a bit bored.[/color]"[/b] She whined, hearing a stuttering gasp from the body before her. She let him fall without even a passing glance, and twisted the pipe around to lean on it. Her eyes were bloodthirsty and vaguely amused, and the rest of her face was shrouded behind uncertainty thanks to her medical mask and hat.