Brookes sighed as he waited in line to get his schedule along with all of the other kids. This was all very overwhelming. But by now, he was used to that. He could feel all of their emotions. Every single person within a certain radius of him. And boy did it hurt. He couldn't really identify who's emotions were who's but it always seemed easier when he was closer to the person. For example. The student in front of him was completely and utterly pissed. He didn't even need empathy to know that by the way he looked. Behind him was a girl who was utterly nervous. It made his stomach hurt with all of the nervousness floating in the air. Luckily for Brookes, there weren't really any different emotions. People feeling nervous, confused, or angry. Normal emotions to be had during this time. Due to the same emotions going on at the same time. Brookes felt very confident that he wasn't going to go completely lucid. But before he knew it, he already was. It's kind of like when you get tired and you are trying to stay awake but you fall asleep anyway. You never really notice it happening until you're woken up. Whenever this happened, the world got so fuzzy and disoriented for Brookes. The emotions all mixed together in some weird blur that he never really understood. He must have been standing still because the girl behind him angrily told him to move forward. Brookes' face contorted with rage and he balled his hand into a fist, forcing it behind him. He was about to punch the girl in the face when he realized he was going crazy again. He froze his hand and whispered under his breath as it fell back to his side. "Sorry." After grabbing his schedule and noticing that the person handing out the forms was very annoyed and nervous about all of these new students, Brookes went and stood near a tree next to a girl in a wheelchair. He set his backpack down and leaned against it, studying her emotions like he usually did. It became sort of a hobby. Feeling the emotions of others. At first she seemed a little nervous like everybody else but he observed as she pulled out a laptop and began playing music, that she started to calm down. The music itself sounded fairly nice. But he was more interested in talking to her. Brookes approached the girl and smiled at her. "I see that music calms you down. Do you like music?" He asked, completely forgetting to mention the fact that he was an empath. He always did that. Never taking into consideration that people probably don't know certain things. Probably just a bit of his old personality shining through.