Mary had a lot of fun going out and shopping with the girls. Even if she didn't get anything. She did like some stuff but she had to wait until she heard back from that Pizza hut place to see if she got the job. She wasn't sure if she got it or not, but only time will tell. She then smiled when seeing Damien and K-Mart. Then saw they had food already and raised her eyebrow, then realized they were practically starving, "Well another fifteen minutes wouldn't have killed you" she said in a playful manor. "I'm getting subway" she replied as she walked over and got a meatball sub on Parmesan oregano bread, and all she had on it was shredded cheese, olives, and Parmesan and oregano. After getting her food she made her way back to the table with the guys and sat down. She paused to pray once more and then started eating her food. This was her favorite sub at subway, she loved it. "So what are your plans after this?" she asked in general wondering who would answer the question. It was nice not having Skip to maul her practically when he sees her.