The grand temple was packed with what must have been near a thousand people. Nobles filled the second floor of the temple, looking down on the procession from above. Down below the common people of Nyhem had packed themselves onto the ground floor. The only empty space that could be found in the temple was the very center; a line leading from the entrance to the opposite end, where a resplendent chair had been placed. Next to it stood Grand Cleric Mildred, with a majestic crown held delicately in her hands. Every king and queen had a crown made especially for them, and Duncan was no exception. The crown was made from gold mined straight from Cawanor and was decorated with various rubies, emeralds and one large diamond at the front. The design it ‘self was rather simple but was still majestic all the same. Imperial guards lined either side of Duncan as he walked slowly towards the chair. As he made his way over, Mildred was making the necessary speech. Duncan however wasn’t listening, he had heard it all before at both Heylot’s and John’s coronation. It was nothing more than mindless religious chanting to make the whole event seem grander than it truly was. Duncan was dressed in red and black regal robes embroidered with gold trimmings. As Duncan neared the chair he could see the various important guests seated near the front. Anyone who was considered to be even vaguely important enough had been invited and it appeared that near everyone had chosen to attend. As Duncan sat down all eyes turned to him, some seemed happy to see him become their new king, while others watched on more warily. Finally Mildred had reached the only part of her speech that actually meant anything important. “I now proclaim Duncan De Reimer, King of Formaroth” She announced as she placed the crown atop Duncan’s head. “Long may he reign” as she said. At this the entire hall joined her “Long may he reign” they cheered in unison ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The castle’s gardens were livelier than they had been in years. The last time Duncan had seen it accommodate this number of people was decades ago during John’s coronation feast. The air was filled with the smell of rich food and the guests were wearing the best clothing they owned. Many had had their outfits made speciality for the occasion. The various nobles sat at different rows of parallel tables and a few were already too drunk to stand up. Duncan, along with the rest of the high council, sat at a higher table that stood horizontal to the others. On his left sat Cerlina and on his right sat Isabel. A number of Duncan’s invited guests had lined up to give him gifts; a way of congratulating of his new position, but more importantly a way of trying to gain favour with him. However most of the gifts were useless trinkets and ornaments, items that served no practical purpose and in Duncan’s mind were rather pointless. Though he made sure to smile and thank them for their various gifts, afterall appearances were important. Now more than ever. The final gift to arrive was more unusual than the others. For a start it was being carried by what looked like a blacksmith instead of one of the noble guests, the gift itself was a beautifully crafted mace to which a great amount of time and effort had been put into making. When the blacksmith approached he bowed before addressing his king. Judging from his stance and posture it was clear the man was a master at his craft, and had great experience addressing the nobles whom could afford his services. “Your grace, I am here to present you with a gift from Claus Rotstein, leader of the Steel Fist Company” he said as he handed it over to one of the servants “he hopes that it serves our new king well” He finished. With this Duncan stood up before replying; “The craftsmanship is truly something to behold, it is a shame he isn’t here for me to thank him in person, though I am grateful all the same”. Claus’s gift certainly had been the most unique and interesting so far. With this the Blacksmith bowed once more before he walked away. Duncan remained standing as he lifted his goblet. With this the rest of the nobles at the feast fell silent as they listen closely. “My friends, I thank you all for attending here for this historic day. Prosperity, stability and justice. These are the three things that our beloved king John promised us when he became king. However he was taken from us too soon for him to carry out these promises to the extend he wished, so I promise you that I will carry on his work and bring about a age of peace of prosperity for all. To a new age” Duncan proclaimed as he drank from his goblet “To a new age” The rest of the guests repeated as they followed suit before they too drank from their goblets.