Kenyon looked at his phone, it was 1:15. He spoke,"I probably need to be getting home now, I told my parents I'd mow the lawn and clean the garage." Damien nodded and said,"Looks like I'm going home too, he's my ride."He pointed to Kenyon with a chuckle. Both boys stood and gave all three girls big hugs. Kenyon spoke,"Alright see y'all Monday." Tamisha and Amanda both said their goodbyes and sat back down to finish their food. He and Damien turned to leave, however Damien quickly gave Mary a piece of napkin, it had his number wrote on it. He gave her a small smile and rushed to catch up with Kenyon who was already out the doors. Tamisha and Amanda didn't notice as they were finishing up their food. Tamisha spoke,"We probably need to get home too, I'm stuffed and I'm ready for a nap." "Same."Amanda said stretching. Both girls gave Mary a big hug and left and said they'd see her Monday.