[center][img]http://pre04.deviantart.net/f543/th/pre/i/2015/245/d/e/praetor_by_corndoggy-d985imh.jpg[/img] [h1][color=6ecff6]Arko Reiss[/color][/h1][/center] Sex: Male Age: 24 [hider=Appearance(out of armor)] [Img]http://i55.servimg.com/u/f55/18/72/90/56/tumblr10.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Abilities] Arko, as a Tarot mage, has an incredible array of abilities as well as a level of mastery over them that one would have to be immortal to achieve. These abilities are tied to the Tarot deck he carries, however, and he is only capable of using a few based on which card or suite is active. Switching between or to the Minor Arcana is easy and rapid, whereas switching to or between the Major Arcana is not that much harder but is not likely to be done in the heat of combat or under pressure. Arko is not incapable of magic without an active card, but is only capable of minor manipulation of arcane energy, only able to fire small bolts, create a shield, or extend the range of his swordspear by channeling it off the blade. [/hider] [hider=Backstory] Arko was born as part of a small nomadic tribe in the far north. Though he was a talent born with a larger the usual reserve of mana he seemed to have no way of using it, a few years of training had only resulted in the absolute basic abilities of magic. It was becoming a source of frustration for both him and his trainers until and elder came to him with a gift: A Tarot deck, the cards acting as a focus for him, granting him the abilities for the power he held. Arko's clan eventually found itself caught in the middle of a vicious rivalry between two larger clans, as travel became dangerous Arko joined the small group of guardians responsible for fending off raiding parties from both sides of the conflict, it wouldn't last long however, as when one clan beat the other Arko's clan accepted the inevitable and agreed to assimilate into the now much larger clan. It was during the transition that Arko, along with a few others, decided to leave, going their separate ways out onto the world. [/hider] [hider=Personality] Arko is a friendly and gentle person but is more likely to smile at his companions than to say anything, being a rather quiet individual, Though through the armor he is usually wearing his passive demeanor and silence often just leads to the effect of stoicism and making him seem uncaring. Yet despite his normally gentle and friendly nature he can be a rather fierce combatant and is more that willing to stare down death in defense of his friends, to the point of accepting his fate if it ensures the survival of those closest to him, though he has proven difficult to kill. [/hider]