[center][sup]art by [url=https://www.artstation.com/artist/josheiten]Joshua Eiten[/url][/sup] [img]http://i.imgur.com/7NymcLV.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/R9KuNuf.png[/img][/center] [indent][i]The Village of Winding is just the latest bit of civilized society to be built upon the Marsh of Dragons. The clean cobbled streets, the whitewashed stone houses and the flowers and tapestries of bright blues and yellows all sit upon the foundation of princes and giants of old. The ruins now are little more than tourist attractions and bedtime stories, destined to be forgotten among more important issues, like new velvet hats and lost pocket watches. But when the orchards sprouted fruits of strange color, the clockmaker went mad and the cats disappeared, the soothsayers and grandmothers began to whisper: something's not right in Winding.[/i][/indent] [h3]Gameplay[/h3] [indent]Your character resides in Winding or in the surrounding lands within view of the village clock tower. Through exploration and investigation the greater plot will unfold -- but until then, this is simply a slice-of-life RP. The GM has creative and manipulative control over all things except the characters themselves. Nothing is an exception. Should the player desire a NPC or location or racial history that is off-limits to interference, changes or play by the GM, please consider an alternative. The posting speed may eventually crawl to an excessively slow pace. One mod post every two weeks may be common, depending on the life of the GM and the lives of the players. Please keep this in mind if you're considering joining.[/indent] [h3]Characters[/h3] [indent]Characters may know of the existence of magic through historical records of flora, fauna and minerals with strange properties, as well as the alchemists of old who used to tinker with such things, but magic does not now exist as far as anyone knows. The technology level is Renaissance-era. Clockwork and Da Vinci-esque contraptions are as common as you like. Characters do not necessarily have to be entirely human, and creativity is encouraged, but simplicity is key. Keep character sheets and proposed world ideas fresh, clean, colorful, precise, and as unassuming as possible.[/indent]