[quote=@LokiLeo789] Ahh yes, I remember that fight fondly. Wonder how the people of Comnai are faring after that. Ive been wanting Xerxes to fight Freya so he could create his sword, have her swing at them, undesifly them, than go crazy after her momentum carried her. I found it funny. Maybe one day. [/quote] Oh, I'm sure the citizens were just thrilled about getting blown to smithereens. I'm not sure a month was enough to make up for that level of destruction. Loguetown got off pretty easy. The only real property damage was a cafe getting wrecked. The rest was just the Marines getting their shit pushed in. I actually forgot about the spark blade thing. Might wanna be careful about what'll work in the realm of animu swordsmanship, though. We haven't really seen Frey-Frey go ham yet.