[@Polybius] Hey dude! Thank you, that means a lot! :D <3 Yes, as opposed to my usual "THERE'S ROOM FOR EVERYONE" mess, the number of players here will have to be strictly limited. Five sounds like the most I could handle at one time without making everyone wait eons for a post, haha. I'd get a co-gm, but I'm a fussy power-crazy loserface who likes being in charge too much. xD The world will probably be influenced by some combination of these: Hyper Light Drifter, OFF!, Lud-in-the-Mist, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, Inside, Ico/Shadow of Colossus, Mushi-Shi, random Ghibli stuff. We'd go for color and weirdness and thin moral lines, not so much straight-up violence. Maybe attempt to set down a very black and white Good vs Evil plot to start out with, go real Hero's Quest with it, then blur the lines as we go. That is to say, I have no clue. Here's a cookie for your trouble. :D