[center][h1] [color=f49ac2]Nikki Hyatt [/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://s20.postimg.org/i2iblwhnx/faith_buffy_the_vampire_slayer_1157062_329_428.jpg[/img][/center] Nikki and Eric and some of the others were going in to clear out the walkers. It was now approaching 10pm. Several of Jon's guys had stayed with Kat and Jenna just in case. They stayed in pairs and swept the school from one end to the other There were a lot of dead bodies but a lot of them had gone back out the hole before it was blocked off as the trucks made more noise than the empty school did. They had designated places to pull the bodies too. There was not a lot of room left to get through to the back door but that is where they took the bodies and then they started pulling them through the doors to the outside where they put them to await burial. Then after all of that they came back in. Nikki locked the doors and chained them back up. Nikki looked at Eric. Could you check the two upper floors. There won't be anyone dead up there they can't pull the doors open to get into the stairwells. Eric nodded and took the other guys with him leaving one with Nikki. Nikki was getting tired. This seemed to be the longest day yet. She knew one thing. Kat was getting a more secure room on the second floor. Eric and the guys came back giving the all clear. [color=f26522]"We checked every closet, office and stall. All clear."[/color] [color=f49ac2]"Thanks!"[/color] Nikki saw the Monster as Matt pulled it in. She looked at it and thought [i]REALLY Matt![/i] When he and the others got down he walked over to Nikki. [color=00aeef]"We got it but it was not as simple as you would think. The suspension took a beating and we need it unloaded right now."[/color] [color=f49ac2]"First we need to get the girls inside. We just finished getting the creeps and the creepies out back. The building is all clear. Thanks for going to get that stuff."[/color] Nikki yawned. [color=f49ac2]"We are putting the girls on the second floor from now on." The walkers will have more trouble getting up there and I want them safer when we are attacked again. Jenna needs to go up there too. I'll stay on the first floor. I'm assuming you want to stay with Kat and Gracie. After that kiss you planted on her I'm sensing a shift in the nature of what you want your relationship to be." [/color]Matt blushed a little. [color=00aeef]"What? when did it become wrong to love the woman who you have a child with."[/color] Nikki smiled, [color=f49ac2]"I'm just saying!" [/color] [color=f49ac2]"You guys need to take the Art room. It's got dividers for privacy. The door locks and it has a private bathroom."[/color] [color=00aeef]"How do you know that little sis?"[/color] She played punched him and said, [color=f49ac2]"Nolan and I were all over this school..."[/color] She chuckled at the look he gave her. [color=f49ac2]"Go get the girls."[/color] Matt went to get the girls and he took them to get their stuff from their rooms and then he took them upstairs. Jon's men helped Matt carry the beds upstairs and the Mats for the baby. Nikki went back outside and stretched. She looked up at the truck and a few minutes later Jon's men came out to help her while Matt got the girls settled in. He put Jenna in the room next to him and Kat. He gave her one of the dividers that was in the art room. He thought she might feel better if she weren't alone in the room maybe Jon would stay with her. They seemed to be getting close. He had seen what Nikki had interrupted and the bruises on the girls face and arms said the rest. He made sure she had a room with a door lock on it. Most of the rooms did but the art rooms had a half bath too, so she could clean up without going down to the showers. Matt helped move Nikki's bed and things into one of the interior rooms and she rifled through the keys and gave him the key to the two art rooms. She suggested to everyone to choose a room upstairs unless they could be ready to fight at a moment's notice. She wanted their defensive forces downstairs in interior rooms and the others upstairs so they could be more protected. She did not want what happened tonight to have a repeat performance. They had a few guards outside for the night and Matt went up and told Kat and Jenna they should stay together that night. He was going to stay downstairs to help unload the monster and keep watch on the bus/hole in the wall and James stayed with him. James locked down the front door and he and Matt stayed by the bus and stacked the cinder blocks like bricks and the next morning the others would morter it in and make it solid again. Matt grinned when he saw Eric carrying the sleeping form of his sister as he carried her to her bed and shut the door. He came back out to grab some of the cinder blocks and took them to Nikki's other room and started blocking in the window that was broken from the inside. [@Rumikoohara][@Belle][@kurai assassin]