[@Thundercrash] [@Rune_Alchemist] [@PatrickDrummer] Dwight Waters was kind of having a shitty day. He'd been called in the previous night to make fix some problems, and was currently running on adrenaline and coffee fumes. The generators had seemed to be throwing a hissy fit by constantly shutting off, which turned out to be because some electrician had unevenly distributed the loads among the generators and had nearly overloaded two of them. After getting into an argument with the electrician over Pokégear, he had been forced to rectify the mistake himself. That had taken ten painstaking hours of calculations, tinkering, and checks to make sure the generator's would run smoothly once the station got up and running. Of course, that was not the only thing to go wrong. The elevator then had issues, and he had spent the rest of the time before the reopening trying to find out what was wrong with the elevator. After fixing those issues and checking to make sure no one had tampered with the systems during construction, he was left with two hours before the grand reopening. Those two hours became a panicked rush to clean up all the messes that came with the fixes. The elevator was still being checked out by some of the other janitors and handymen, and Dwight was going to ride it down and get some breakfast and a nap. Which was why he was surprised to find the lights on in one of the recording booths as he was walking down the hallway after stashing his tools in a janitor closet. [color=aba000]"I'm so fucking done for this shit."[/color] Dwight growled as he made his way to the booth. Standing in the doorway he saw the three figure standing in the room. [color=aba000]"Who the hell are you people?"[/color] Dwight's deep voice ground out as he glared at the trio.