"We're sorry but the person you are trying to reach is not available. Please leave a mess- beep" [color=cyan]"Oh my god no.. not now."[/color] a man in a tightly fit suit said as he lowered his phone from his ear and hung up. He turned to the man standing near him ready to go into the station, Derek Nally, was his name. He's the special guest of the day that was supposed to be getting interviewed by the new DJ in a couple minutes, but said DJ just didn't seem to be here. Or answering his phone. [color=cyan]"Sir, I'm sorry I just don't know where Mr. Grey isn't here, so you'll have to just, I don't know wing the whole interview. Usually we'd at least rehearse some questions but since he's not here... Well, you'll do fine, you're you after all, haha."[/color] the man giggled waiting for the elevator to open up so they could get to the studio. Mic check should be soon, quickly followed by the show starting. "Oh it's fine, I work best on the fly, it's always got more pizazz going for it, in my opinion." the tall man with black hair said. He had a suit on as well, his white and gold as opposed to the first man's black suit and tie, but his cut off halfway down his torso, revealing a just-as-white button-up underneath. Everything about him, from the way he talked to the way he dressed and acted was flamboyant and over the top, no doubt he could carry this whole interview even without an interviewer present. [color=cyan]"I'm going to call upstairs and let them know we're here. You should be on the air in about an hour, there should be somewhere you could warm your voice up in."[/color] He pulled his phone out once more and typed a few letters into it addressed to 'Gaia' reading [i]"Has mic check started? Guest and I are in elevator heading up, no sign of Grey."[/i] With a push of a button the message sent, and another set the elevator upwards toward the studio. This day could be going better, but hopefully it didn't go any worse.