[center] [img]https://i.imgsafe.org/9730919569.jpg[/img][color=9966CC][H1]Samehana[/H1][/color] [H2][color=000000]Black Shark[/color][/H2] Elfen Island, Grand Line [@Pacifista][/center] [color=9966CC]”Be that as it may, we could always use a chore boy. I’m sure everyone else could appreciate not having to mop the deck. Though, if his ability to do work is as good as his waiting skills, we might end up having to throw him overboard.”[/color] Samehana joked, unconcerned with whether or not Dan would hear her. Sullen-faced Freya was right to have her misgivings, of course. Thus far, the man had proven to be incompetent at anything but being a sycophant. And even that could have used some work. [color=9966CC]”Ahhh, I really did want to have a taste of smoked boar, though. I’m sure after having to put up with my cooking, you might have been looking forward to something a little different yourself.”[/color] the Fishwoman remarked, leaning on the slightly shorter woman’s shoulder. In the short time that Samehana had shared Freya’s company, she had yet to lodge any formal complaints about the shark woman’s familiarity, so Samehana had already gotten used to doing things that made the two look more chummy than Freya might have considered the two to be. Frankly, Samehana found the woman to be pretty “cool”, for lack of a better word. A lot like Church, but without the jokes at her expense.