[hr][i][h1]Jiang Song.[/h1][/i][hr] [U][I]Oakdell Harbor, White Coast.[/I][/u] A pool of purple acid appeared from a sewer grate right outside the boat warehouse. It quickly formed into Jiang Song, and he took slow steps towards the edge of the alleyway he found himself in. He came in full view of the scene, and could only shake his head. "[i]Oh, Mannequin,[/i]" Jiang said to himself in Chinese with a wry grin on his face. "[i]You had such great ambitions... unfortunately, I cannot share the same fate as you...[/i]" He watched as the Mannequin was placed in the back of a RAVEN vehicle, along with the pockets of resistance left of RAVEN and the Hands of Science. Jiang thought that the Mannequin had everything downpack, but it seems he was wrong. He likely didn't consider every possibility, and was outmanuevered by his enemies. Sad. But Jiang couldn't care less. At least now that he has found Qiaolian. It was just mere chance that he came across the woman that of the subject of his obsession for so long. He can now get the revenge he's desired for oh so long. He couldn't care less about the Mannequin or his goals - the only thing Jiang was glad about was he abandoned the Mannequin while there was still time. Now, he can act freely without being attached to the Mannequin's crimes. The only thing Jiang wanted was the death of Qiaolian, and her bloodline. Jiang Song turned into his purple acid form, and went back down into the sewers. For now he was going to lay low, make her think there's no threat, before he returns and kills her in a grand spectacle. Some day... [hr][i][h1][color=dodgerblue]Lihua Zhao[/color], [color=red]Meifeng Zhao[/color], [color=gray]Quentin Taylor[/color], [color=Springgreen]Cindy Keagan[/color], [color=darkslateblue]Reed Taylor[/color], [color=salmon]Haruka[/color] & [color=cornflowerblue]Shizuka[/color] [color=salmon]Taka[/color][color=cornflowerblue]shiro[/color], & [color=aqua]Jennifer Caspin[/color].[/h1][/i][hr] [U][I]RAVEN/DOVE West Coast Joint Headquarters, White Coast.[/I][/u] Fortunately, Lihua was quickly able to get medical attention from DOVE officials. Thankfully, they're well prepared in dealing with Metahuman related injuries. She was placed within a room, and lying down with a hospital gown on. There was a DOVE that was supposed to heal her, but she's busying trying to heal some of the injured agents back to full health. She was being pumped with pain medication to bide her time until then. Someone stepped inside, and it was Meifeng Zhao, wearing her RAVEN armor. "Heeeeey," Meifeng said, smiling, but forcing it away since she has to keep a professional demeanor. "[i]Are you okay?[/i]" The wounded tiger had her pride damaged as well. She turned towards her daughter, and said, "[i]Fine as I will be...[/i]" "[i]Yo, what happened?[/i]" Meifeng said. "[i]Shizuka and Reed told me you were attacked by some dude... and he knows a little secret.[/i]" She gave her a narrow look. Lihua sighed, she knew this was going to happen. "[i]He is... [i]Jiang Song[/i]. An enemy I've made in China.[/i]" She didn't want to say too much. "[i]I... don't know why he's here in America.[/i]" "[i]I don't know either, but for what he did to you and Lijuan, I'm not going to let him get off easy,[/i]" Meifeng said... though, she sat down on the chair, and looked at her. "[i]I'd love to ask you questions, but I don't think you're in the mood right now.[/i]" "No..." Lihua rested her head down, and looked at the ceiling. "[i]I feel like such a failure... I couldn't defend Lijuan from one person... I had to be [/i]saved[i] by someone else[/i]..." "[i]Well, Mom[/i]..." Meifeng tried to find the right words, but it's hard to say the right things to her. "...[i]These things just happen. You're not getting any weaker,[/i]" Meifeng grinned. "[i]I know you would just die before you let that happen. You were just faced with shitty circumstances that put the odds out of your favor. I knew you would beat that man if you were at your best.[/i]" The words did little to reassure Lihua, but Meifeng was doing her best. She merely sighed, and went along with it. "I guess you're right... but, I'd rather not get into anymore fights... that's your job." "Yeah, we're going to find Jiang, and kick his ass," Meifeng said, planting a punch into an open palm. However, the door opened again, and another person stepped in. It was Jennifer Caspin, or her persona Missy Baroness. Stepping in wearing a hoodie, and her hands in her pockets. When she stepped inside, she immediately caught one look from Meifeng that sent chills down the girl's spine. It made her cringe, she couldn't face her former friend. "Uh," Meifeng raised an eyebrow. "Hello? Are you in the right room?" Behind her, again, was Cindy Keagan who prompted Jennifer to take a step aside to let her in. Cindy stepped inside, and leaned up against Lihua's bed. "Hi everybody," Cindy greeted them, before turning her brown eyes onto the newcomer. She put the clipboard on her lap, and looked up at the girl. "Hey, some of the others mentioned you had something to say?" "Well..." Jennifer said, awkwardly playing with her fingers. "You might find this a little hard to believe..." Honestly, she found it hard to pour her heart and soul out again. "I'm... so happy to see that you're doing well, Meifeng... you, too, Cindy." "Huh...?" Meifeng said, raising an eyebrow. "Okay, how do you know my name?" On the other hand, Cindy wasn't quite as dense as Meifeng, she was able to piece together what it had meant. She noticed that the girl had looked mighty familiar to her. "...Hey, wait, are you Jen... No... It can't be." She quickly displaced the thought. "Yes..." Jennifer said. "It [i]is.[/i] I survived, after so long... I thought everyone would have moved on without." Meifeng was ultimately without words. She never thought that she would ever see Jen again. Ever since that day when Jennifer let go, after everything that happened to her... she's back. Meifeng was so moved by this. She ran over to Jennifer, and gave her a hug that kept her locked in tight. "Jen!" Meifeng said. "Oh my God... I can't believe it... you're back..." "I'm... glad to be back," Jen said as she returned the hug. "I feel like a schoolgirl again..." Meifeng said. "Wait," Cindy said, putting her hand up. "Before we start getting too comfortable, let's confirm it first." She knew that she was being harsh, but she couldn't take risks like this. Meifeng let go when Cindy said this... she didn't want to do this, but she might have to. Quietly, Reed had entered the room, wearing a blanket-white dressing across his arm. It hadn't technically been necessary, but Quentin had been insistent enough on it when he'd first seen the damage done to the arm. Haruka then followed in behind the Taylors; Shizuka ignored the door and simply walked through the wall with his power. "It's been... yeah, a long time." He said, with a grunt. "You remember me, Jen?" "Yes... how can I ever forget you, Reed," Jennifer said. "Or anyone who lived through that hell?" "You remember. Alright, when we found you, what happened?" Just thinking of it made his fingers twitch. "I remember it like it was yesterday..." [hr] [i]Everything was going to shit. Jen long realized that this city is one thing after the other - but this was a whole different situation all together. Adrenaline and her healing factor were the two things keeping her running like a rabbit. Every footstep splashed a puddle of water underneath her feet. She had no idea where she was going, but her plan was "anywhere but here". She kept running alongside the sidewalk - but one of the creatures, crawling on all fours, with a alien-body and large claws, landed in front of her. It looked up at her, and Jen instinctively took a few steps back, putting her hand up in some attempt to get back. However, the thing lunged at her, and she screamed, jumping to the side. She got some scraps on her arms as as she the ground, but she kept running. That wound she recieved earlier was all but healed. Only a little bit more to go - but the process of[/i] forcing [i]her body at this rate was always painful. She had little idea if the creature was still behind her, but she had little defense against them. She wasn't Meifeng or the others - she had no offensive superpower or training - she was basically your average sixteen-year-old girl. Not precisely thinking too much, Jen ran across the street, hoping to get away from it. Not too far away, a set of dimmed headlights died down and a silhouette climbed out with something heavy in its hand, before suddenly moving forwards. "Keep your head down!" A heavy voice shouted as the silhouette closed in. Jen briefly wondered what the hell was going on, but it felt great knowing that someone was coming to her aid. She knew that she couldn't keep running [/i]forever.[i] Almost immediately, she dove downwards. The Purple Eyed beast was distracted by the newcomer and went for them at high speeds. Cass stood his ground and shouldered his Ithaca 37, firing off an aimed spread of buckshot at the beast before firmly pumping the handle for another go. The Purple eyed beast charged into the shot head on. Causing a chunk of it's flesh to immediately turn to liquid. It stopped, shaking. It quickly lunged at the man and forced him to take a dive to avoid getting pounced on, yet it quickly turned on its feet for another strike. "Don't touch either of them!" Another voice shouted from behind the creature. Reed readied his glock and opened fire, gunning for the bright purple eye which painted a target on its form. Attention went from Cass to Reed the second the bullet knocked off another chunk of flesh. The beast turned towards Reed. There was a clicking sound coming from it. It quickly lunged through the air at breakneck speeds, and landed on Reed before he could react. It's flesh split, and revealed a mouth of vicious-looking teeth - giving no indication that it had these before - and brought them down on Reed's arm as he scrambled to get a last minute shot. "Raargh, fuck!" He let out an agonised scream as the teeth punctured through muscle tissue and bone alike, like an industrial vice. "NO! Get away from him!" Like that, Cass sprung to his feet faster than anyone had ever seen the old man move before and pointed it downrange towards the creature's central mass, but knowing that there was a chance he could harm his nephew made him hesitate. All Jen could do was hopelessly stand by as the fight went on. Her breath rate accelerated, and she started biting her fingernails - more of her fingers - until she drew blood. She was frozen. Unsure of what to do. Everything was just so damn crazy. And she was just one girl thrown into the thick of it. But she had to do something. Anything. She didn't want to see this man eaten alive in front of her. Next to her was a pistol - Reed's pistol, pushed away in the confusion. Should she even touch it? Jen was so terrified right now that she was worried that she might make the situation [/i]worse[i]. But she had to try her best. She grabbed her guns, and immediately realized that this was much different than the games she played. She didn't even hold it the right way. She aimed it at the beast, and grit her teeth as she thought about pulling the trigger. This was dumb, and impulsive - but she was too rattled right now to realize it. So, she just pulled the trigger, and the tiny explosion propelled the bullet out of the gun. The bullet didn't even come close to the beast - it merely hit a car down the street. And the recoil hurt the [/i]hell[i] out of Jen's wrist. But, the Purple-Eyed monster was distracted, and this was enough for Reed to frantically slide out from under its mas and drag himself out of Cass' field of fire - allowing the old man to take aim and fire. It was the final shot that put an end to the beast. When the last shot hit, it hit one of it's vital organs, and caused it to dissolve into a grey sludge. Dead. Cass quickly ran over to Reed and took a knee beside him, fear washing over his face as he saw the scope of the injury, "Reed?! C'mon kid, lemme check you out," His eyes darted to the puncture marks in his sleeve, "Dammit, you're... bleeding. I'll get the kit from the car, patch you up."[/i] [hr] "...It was hell." Jennifer finished her explanation, shaking her head. Her recollection of events left a chill running down his spine and along the nerves of his arm, and whenever he heard Cass' name being brought up, it felt like he was talking with the dead. "If you're a ghost, you're still Jen." Reed said, with a slow nod. That detailed explanation was something that Cindy picked up on. It feels like she remembered it [i]vividly[/i]. Meifeng went back to hugging her. However, the silent Lihua finally spoke up. "...It's great to see you're okay, Ms. Caspin," She said with a geniune smile. At least Meifeng would have her friend back, even though Lihua herself had no connection to her. "There's something I wanted to ask," Jennifer said, scratching the back of her neck. "How's Cass doing? I hope the years have been treating him well." [i]Talking to the dead, again.[/i] Reed's expression drooped as he hesitantly answered. "...My uncle... he didn't make it." Jennifer was quiet as she took a step back, gasping. Honestly shocked. Both Trevor [i]and[/i] Cass died in Verthaven. And she didn't had the slightest clue up until now. She just assumed they all defeated Luis, and rode into the sunset... But, truly. This was a merciliess world. That would take, and take, and take, but give nothing in return. There weren't any happy endings in this world. "[i]Heartbreaker[/i] to blame for that." Spoke Quentin's voice, which had a markedly blunt tone to it from his corner of the room. "Luis' dogs turned on us the moment they saw a chance. She got Sonya too." Mayfield had been one of the first NEST agents he'd come to trust... and had been a good friend. "But she's gone now, and that thing... Mannequin, is going to be buried along with the rest of the Changelings." Small solace, but better than none. "I... I'm glad... I hope he rots in hell with the rest of them." Jennifer said, trying to contain her anger upon hearing his name. "That doesn't matter anymore," Reed finally said, picking up on their anger. "We're putting it in the past and setting things right. What matters is that we make sure people are safe. It's good to know you are." His tone was defusing, to say the least. Jennifer sighed. "...I guess so." "So, how did you survive that?" Cindy said, curious. "Well..." Jennifer said as she started off. [hr] [i]It was that night in hell. Where Jennifer was holding onto Meifeng for dear life as a tentacle threatened to pull her into the deep. "...Just go on without me, I'm just not needed." Jennifer said with surprising calmness, and tranquility. "I know you can do it, Meifeng. You can get out of here safely... so can everyone else. You're strong... stronger than I am. Stronger than I'll ever be. I know you can beat the Devil... Luis... everyone else who gets in your way." "Jen-" Meifeng tried to pull her back - but her arms were getting weak. "I'm sorry for this - but, if I ever get a chance, I[/i] promise[i], Meifeng... I'll make you happy next time!" At that point, Jennifer had let go. Having finally given up, and choosing death over desperately holding on, and being a parasite for great people like Meifeng. She was dragged into the depths of the ocean, where she was submerged in the dirty rain water mixed with the sea that the Devil of Verthaven had summoned. It was horrible. But, all that Jen could feel was [/i]nothing[i]. Only the sweet resignation of death that she had accepted the moment that she let go. Ha... In a way, Jen was always jealous of them. Each of them. Meifeng. Trevor. Cindy. They always had a goal, or some quality about them that made them a good person. Something. While Jennifer... she had nothing. The only remarkable thing that she had about her was that she was [/i]alive[i]. She was always the person who held everyone with potential back. They were always worrying about her, instead of succeeding. Which was why she gave up. The war that raged inside her had finally killed her when Luis did the same to her family. Hell... that man was the only thing in her thoughts as the water consumed her. How she didn't have the power to stop him.[/i] How she didn't have the power to save them.[i] Darkness overcame Jennifer as the last bits of her life began to fade. Honestly... This was... for the best... That's when things took a turn. Explosions rocked through the water, and sent vibrations that woke up the dying girl. Suddenly, the water was being suctioned to one area. The Devil had released her, and used the water to save herself. While she was too weak to actually fight it, a piece of a building was knocked over, and pinned Jennifer's leg. As the flooded streets were being removed. Then it was over. The water was all gone, and she didn't have a clue as to what was going on. Her regenerative factor allowed her to come back faster. The brain damage from drowning was quickly reversed as she looked around. Her head went from one side to another. She... survived? No, no, no, no, no... she had to die. Why the [/i]fuck[i] was she still[/i] alive?![i] Why couldn't this cruel world put her out of her misery already? She sat up, and started to cough up water, which was being forced out. Jennifer looked over her shoulder, and saw the frozen dome the Devil had created over herself. Why was she always surviving these stupid encounters? Then it hit her; [/i]She was given a second chance.[i] The last words her mother gave her came to mind. [/i]Live on. For me.[i] Jennifer looked at the rock that she was pinned under, and then tried to pull her foot free, but it was stuck. She let out a groan as she desperately tried to pull herself free, but, to no avail, she couldn't get it loose. Jennifer looked around, and her keen eyes spotted a rock. She was desperate at this point... she couldn't rely on someone coming in to save the day... There was only her, and her alone. It was big as her head, while she was never the most physical, but she was desperate. Desperation breeds fucked up decisions. Jennifer raised the rock over her head, and a tear escaped her eye as she slammed it down as hard as he could. The impact was successful, and she managed to break her ankle with a sickening crack. She let out a scream of pain, but she realized that she had already began regenerating it. The limb would regenerate if she lets it stay like this. Jennifer teared up again, as she slammed the rock down again, and further damaged her leg. The plan was to try to break it free [/i]somehow[i] it wasn't going to be easy. But, she realized she couldn't take the easy route from here on in. Jennifer brought the rock down again, one last time, and absolutely demolished her leg. She was weeping.... this should be enough. Jennifer looked to the side, and reached for the sharp rock. This was going to be awful... but this is nothing compared to the pain she feels inside of herself. She raised the sharp end of the rock in the air, holding it with both hands like a knife. Another tear had left her eye as she brought it down, and impaled herself. She didn't have a second to spare. She desperately started cutting away at the limb. The pain was unbearable, any other person would have died from the pain, but somehow she can last without passing out. She would need it. After one last slash, she managed to loosen up the limb enough to pull her trapped leg free. In a bloody display, Jen had finally gotten herself free. She pulled herself back, and then separated herself from her limb. This is the first time she's ever lost a limb, and she wasn't even sure if she was going to get it back. But, anything was better than being a sitting duck for when the Devil's monsters got here. Getting herself up to her feet, Jennifer looked up at the God hidden inside a dome of ice.[/i] [hr] "...After that, it wasn't long before I was caught in a giant wave. It was a few days until anyone found me." Jennifer finally explained, playing with her fingers. "My God... that's horrifying," Meifeng said. "I... wish-" "Don't." Jennifer cut her off. "I was dead." "So? What were you doing in the seven years? When did you stop calling yourself Jen, and start calling yourself Missy?" Cindy asked. For a moment, Jennifer was completely silent. "...I don't want to talk about it." "Alright, okay," Cindy shrugged. "Now what?" "Huh?" Jennifer asked. "What are ya' gonna do now? And don't tell me you're still going to hang around that weirdo, are you...?" Cindy asked, raising an eyebrow. "I..." Jennifer trailed off. "...I think I'm going to stay. Here. In Baybridge." "Good," Meifeng said, with a passionate smile on her face. "I wouldn't have it any other way." Cindy wanted to know more about what Jen did in her spare time, but clearly she isn't going to get an answer for that right now. walked around. "You can stay in my apartment with me and Meifeng," Cindy was quick to say. "At least, at least until you get back on your feet." "Yeah, it'll be like old times." Meifeng said. Jennifer nervously shifted her feet as she played with her fingers. "...Yeah, like old times." "And you won't [i]believe[/i] all the forms you're gonna have to fill out, since, you know, you were legally dead for seven years," Cindy said, exasperated. "You better get ready now, because you won't be done until August..." She gave Jennifer a narrow look. "...Of next year." Jennifer smiled. Cindy didn't change one bit. "Alright... but, can I have a word with my old friend?" Missy said. "I have to sever ties with them first." "Alright, go ahead, girlfriend." [hr][i][h1][color=Springgreen]Cindy Keagan[/color], [color=red]Meifeng Zhao[/color], & Dr. Cross.[/i][hr][i] [U][I]RAVEN/DOVE West Coast Joint Headquarters, White Coast.[/I][/u] After the heartfelt reunion, there was much work to be done. Mostly picking up after the bullshit left behind by the Mannequin, and Eco-Natura. Oh boy, she can just hear it now, "deranged Metahumans destroy Prince Edfield," or "The return of the Changelign Unit!" Both of which were the same kind of bullshit she heard being spouted. As she walked down the halls, she rolled her eyes up into her head. It's funny. She's just a soldier, fighting a war for a better future. And it's starting to feel like everyone else was the enemy. Regardless of what happens, Cindy must soldier on. She stepped into the interogation room, which already had Meifeng inside, surprisingly enough. On the other side of the double ended mirror was Ignatius. "Oh? You're here?" Cindy said, raising an eyebrow. "Thought you would be catching up with Jen?" "She was in a real rush to run off to find her friends, and I might as well let her," Meifeng shrugged. "Honestly, I'm more concerned with our new prisoners. So what's the dealio?" "Well..." Cindy said as she scanned the clipboard, tracing it with her fingers. "Mannequin isn't saying anything - but it won't matter, because he'll be executed at the drop of a hat." The Mannequin was a Changeling, and now that the world knows exactly who the Changeling are... they won't be kind. "Wait, hold up," Meifeng put both of her hands up. "Don't tell me they're even thinking about giving him a "fair trial." God... I hate pointless bureaucracy." She made sure to finger quote. "Honestly... as crass as it sounds, I don't see the point," CIndy sighed as she reluctantly argreed with Meifeng on this one. "We might as well just skip the trial - because have you seen this? They want to pin the Mannequin for [i]everything[/i] the Changeling Unit did." She rolled her eyes. "Terrorism, mass murder, torture, kidnapping and human trafficing, theft, and... you get the point by now," Cindy adjusted her round glasses as she kept up a professional demeanor. "It honestly feels like they're just [i]tryna[/i] to give him the death sentence. We could honestly ice him right now, and not a soul would care." "But we aren't." It was surprising for Meifeng to be saying this. "Long as we got the Mannequin caged, we don't have to worry about him. Let's let them do their stupid trial, and then we move on with our lives." Then the thought occurred to Meifeng that the Mannequin wasn't the root of this problem. He was merely a ringleader... and the Hands were the circus. "...What about Dr. Cross, and Ignatius?" "Ignatius hasn't talked yet, he says he won't until he gets the go ahead from Dr. Cross..." Cindy said, as she looked inside. "Dr. Cross on the other hand... says that she'll only talk if we offer her protection." "Protection from [i]what[/i] is the question." Meifeng said. "I don't know what would have her up in arms." She crossed her arms. "I don't know, but I'm gonna find out," She pressed her earpiece, "Send Dr. Cross in for interogation." Cindy wondered what the hell would have the Hands leader so scared that she's willing to give up everything she knows for protection. Which worried even Cindy. She narrowed her eyes as she watched Ignatius being carted out, and Dr. Cross being carted in. A sigh escaped her lips. [hr] Cindy sat down on the chair, and right across from her was Dr. Cross. The feared leader of the Verthaven Branch of the Hands of Science who was such a terror several years ago. Now, she was nothing but a straggler who somehow got away. Hm. There were so many questions, but so little time. Neatly placing some folders on the table. "Hello, I'm Cindy Keagan, and I'll be questioning you for the duration of this session," Cindy sternly said, the woman barely even flinched. "Are you going to give me protection?" Dr. Cross asked, raising an eyebrow. "Otherwise, I'm keeping my mouth shut." She crossed her arms. "We will provide protection for our prisoners to ensure they are alive and treated fairly," Cindy said... even if it was completely redundant. "Even if I have to make you sign something." "Do it." Dr. Cross. "Give me the papers in agreement, and I'll tell you [i]everything[/i]." Rolling her eyes, Cindy pulled out the papers - which she printed just in case - and handed it to Dr. Cross along with a pen. The woman of science was quick to sign it, and hand it back to Cindy. "Okay, I have to warn you about [i]them.[/i]" Dr. Cross said, pressing her finger against the table. [i]Hard[/i]. "Let's not play the pronoun game, who are [i]they?[/i]" Cindy finger quoted Dr. Cross leaned back in her chair. "...[i]The Founding Family.[/i]" Dr. Cross put her hands over her face. "They're... they're like a cult. A giant organization that spans nations. They're obsessed with the idea of "human perfection" and "perfect genes" so they set out to create the perfect human being at any cost." She let out a sigh. "The resources they have at their fingertips are insane. They have scientists, and that exceeded the Hands, and they have politicians and all sorts of people on their side..." "After the Verthaven Disaster, the Hands assets were "transferred" into the Founding Family, and I experienced first hand how insane they are. The entire family is lead by three people known as the Blessed Three... I don't know much about them, but they have total control over the family. They will not stop until they get what they want, no matter how many people die." "Okay, okay..." Cindy was trying to process everything. "Let's take a step back here - what you're essentially saying there's some Nazi-ass cult out there?" She let her urban side shine as she tried to think about this. "Do you know who they are, or where they operate?" "I have an idea of some people... but, they're all low level, if you want to make a difference you [i]need[/i] to kill the Blessed Three," Dr. Cross said. "Without them, the Founding Family is powerless... and don't think they are the biggest threat; the Founding Family has people from all over the world on their side..." She stared Cindy straight in the eye. "...Don't think there isn't a DOVE or a RAVEN on their side." Those words echoed within Cindy as she looked around. She knew she could trust Meifeng, Reed, Shizuka... etc. She could trust them no matter what. However, she wondered what was going to happen next. While she didn't want to say it... it obviously sounded like the Founding Family were the next big target. "Okay, I'm going to look into this matter..." Cindy pulled out some more papers from the folder. "Can you identify any members of this family?" Dr. Cross quickly wrote them down, before handing them to Cindy. "Okay, don't worry, I'm going to make sure that the Founding Family is taken down, while you survive," Cindy said. "I promise you that." ...Cindy couldn't believe she was saying this to a mad scientist of all people. Dr. Cross replied with a exasperated sigh. "...Can you really?" Those words made Cindy wonder. ...Can she even ensure her friends and family survive? [hr][i][h1][color=salmon]Haruka[/color] & [color=cornflowerblue]Shizuka[/color] [color=salmon]Taka[/color][color=cornflowerblue]shiro[/color].[/h1][/i] [hr] [b][code]Little Seapond, Roseview_[/code][/b] Jennifer's return was supposed to be something joyous to the old crew - the Verthaven survivors that were gathered in Lihua's room moments ago - but the twins didn't share the same sentiment as her former best friends. For Haruka, while he wasn't close to the girl like Meifeng and Cindy and therefore knew little about her, he could feel she wasn't no longer same girl as he had known back in that forsaken city. The tragedy that had broken her during the battle against the Devil and the Changelings, the hardship that she probably had gone through in the seven-year gap, those cold, murderous eyes that pierced into his when they met back at Oakdell... Time could change anyone, whether for the better, or for the [i]worse[/i]. He didn't like how his twin's paranoia was starting to rub into him, forcing him to have second thoughts about trusting people - she was a friend, even if they were technically more like distant acquaintances. He just couldn't help feeling hesitant - she had refused to speak about whatever that might have happened to her during those seven years. He tried to keep telling himself that he was simply being curious and he should respect her choice not to talk about it, but he couldn't suppress the nagging suspicion rumbling beneath that curiosity, and the fear of repeating the same mistake he had made back in Verthaven. As for Shizuka, obviously he wasn't going to let the part about Jennifer almost killing his precious brother to slide that easily, but for now he knew that it was better to keep this sour opinion to himself and not put unnecessary strains into the stable relationship he had managed to build with Cindy and co. (through lots of [i]hard[/i] work, mind you). It would be better to just observe her for the time being before jumping to conclusions. However, right now Jennifer was the least of their concern. Friends were important, but family would always come in first before friends, no matter what. [i]Blood is thicker than water.[/i] Akemi's voice message still echoed hollowly in their ears. "[i]Haru? Shizu? I know you two are legally adults now and have your own life, but forgive me for being a worried guardian when I can't seem to reach any of you for a whole week. Your father had called in two days ago... It seems that Asami has gone missing. She hasn't been to work for a whole month, and she can't be reached at all...[/i]" It was time for them to face and settle their relationship with the mother who had virtually abandoned them all these years, once and for all. [hr][i][h1]...[/h1][/i] [hr] [b][code]Unknown_[/code][/b] The manager wasn't bragging. He was right to say that this room had the best view - an unobstructed view of the ocean that stretched out into the horizon beyond. Seated in a colorful armchair on the balcony, she tilted a glass in her hand slowly in a circular motion, then she brought it to her lips. "[i]Hmm... nasty.[/i]" Her face cringed as she set down the wine on the antique round table before her - or rather, an exceptionally well-made counterfeit. She let out a sigh - the sea breeze that carressed her cheeks did little to ease her growing annoyance at something. She was a rather tall woman for her race, made even taller with the black stiletto heels on her feet. The velvet-red silk gown hugged her healthily slim figure in all the right places, showing off the perfect, feminine curves that could easily put those undernourished supermodels to utter shame. The cut of her front was low enough to accenturate the cleavage of her modest D-cups. The heavy makeup hid her true age splendidly, but not without emphasizing the features of her own heritage, which she was extremely proud of. Her [i]Asian[/i] roots. "[i]How do you like here so far?[/i]" She turned around slowly to look at the tanned manager, her face impassive, but inside she felt contempted at his unannounced appearance. How rude of him to creep up to a lady without knocking on the door first. "[i]Lovely view,[/i]" she began. "[i]Sadly, this[/i] juice [i]has left an unpleasant taste in my mouth.[/i]" She drew a circle on the rim of the glass with a finger, smudging the lipstick mark until it became a ring of red - the color of luck, and also of blood. "[i]...What a pity.[/i]" She suddenly swept a hand across the table and the glass flew off the top, where it shattered before the manager on the carpeted floor with a dull thud, spilling its contents all over. The scarlet liquid soaked through the dark blue carpet into an inky-black. The color of death. The man didn't react. He continued to lock his gaze with the woman, but his lips trembled slightly - with silent rage. The woman continued in a clipped voice, "[i]Now that we are done with the, ah,[/i] unnecessary [i]formalities, shall we get down to the[/i] real [i]business?[/i]" The corners of the manager's lips twitched upwards into a sneer, his eyes traveled down to the broken glass before they moved back to the lady. "[i]I wonder... why the redundant act if there's nothing I can do to change this[/i] fucked-up [i]fate?[/i]" She let out a giggle. "[i]It always brings me such joy to hear that word - rough around the edges, yet so beautiful.[/i]" She stood up and crossed her arms before her chest, pushing her assets up, which seemed like they were going to spill out of her low-cut. She walked towards him, the sharp heels cutting into the carpet mercilessly with each step. "[i]You are absolutely right - the deal has already been sealed, and there is nothing you can do to stop it.[/i]" The manager narrowed his eyes at her. "[i]I may not have the power to stop you, but one day... you will surely meet your end. An end even worse than death, that you're powerless to be able to rise above it, ever.[/i]" The lady laughed. "[i]How kind of you... to still care about me even in your[/i] last breath[i].[/i]" The fury on the man's face quickly turned into horror. "[i]You... bitch... Why...[/i]" "[i]My dear, surely you can't be this ignorant... Or are you too afraid to face the truth?[/i]" Her full lips curled into a smile - a mesmerizing one, if it wasn't for the words that were followed after, "[i]It is time for the 'Old World' - your world - to drop the curtain...[/i]" She then spreaded out her arms dramatically. "[i]...And to welcome and embrace the New Order with open arms![/i]" "[i]You... you are... insane...[/i]" "[i]Oh? You think I have lost my own mind?[/i]" The woman was now inches away from the manager. "[i]How amusing to hear that coming from a fool...[/i]" Her hand shot out and choked the man in a vice-like grip, and her long, magenta-painted fingernails digging into his skin. "[i]I would have preferred not to have the blood of an unsightly toad like you to stain my hands, but I shall make an exception in return to the gracious advice that you have given me.[/i]" The sleeveless arm burst into flames; raw blisters were already spreading out from the manager's neck area from the mere heat of the red-hot arm, eating through his skin into his flesh, his blood and bones. In no time the man was completely engulfed in a ball of raging fire, burning away every fiber of his being... Until there was nothing left but specks of ashes on the ground. The lady flexed her lava-like arms and it turned back to its human form, though it was still smoking from the use of her power. She couldn't help but sigh again; she then headed out to the balcony once more, watching the waves of the ocean lapping lazily onto the deserted sandy beach. [hr][center] [h1][i] [color=Springgreen] Rori Aherne [/color] && [color=Crimson] Maxine Diaz [/color] [/i][/h1] [/center][hr] [i][u] West Woodlake, Hedgemount [/u][/i] "You're going to Europe?" Rori looked up from where they were, somewhat awkwardly, sketching at the kitchen table. They were slowly getting better at drawing with only one arm available to use. "Yeah, some kind of exchange program through RAVEN," Max shrugged as she grabbed a can from the fridge. It was slightly frustrating - she had been hoping to get a bit of time off, especially with all the shit that had been going down. Especially since Rori had been caught up in a lot of it. She'd wanted to spend a bit of time with her cousin. "So what am I going to do?" "Stay out of trouble, for one. You're practically an adult anyway so I'm not worried about leaving you alone here... I've hardly been around anyway." Max moved over to ruffle Rori's hair, earning a glare from them. "Don't go running towards the disasters, yeah?" "It's not like I choose to," Rori frowned, not taking their eyes off the paper. "I want to get this cast off soon anyway." And they'd like their wing to heal. It was annoying enough having wings while a human, never mind when one was broken. Not being able to fly around everywhere was annoying. "When are you leaving?" "A few days; I've got time off until then. So how about we go watch some of them shit movies you love so much?" Rori's face lit up. It'd been a while since they'd got to spend time with Max, so it would be nice to do so before she left. "Yeah!" [hr] Max ended up being busy the next day, much to Rori's disappointment. Of course the poor RAVEN agent was exhausted from a night of watching whatever movies Rori wanted to force her to. They had both enjoyed it though. Even if Max had complained the entire time. There was a certain sense of freedom to not having any actual adult in the house. Not that Max really counted as an adult. Apart from the fact she had a job and Rori didn't, Rori was probably the overall more mature one. They had no interest in having any kind of crazy parties. Their phone buzzed where it sat on the coffee table as they went to turn on the TV. Maybe it was Wendy! That would be nice, the last time Rori had seen Wendy they'd all almost died (again). [code]Hey, Roisin, it's Conor. I'm moving to Baybridge - heard from Max's brother that you live there. We should meet up.[/code] Rori looked at their phone, slightly confused. Huh? How the hell did their younger brother get their phone number? That just didn't make sense. They guessed he was talking about Salvador telling him that the two of them lived here - maybe it was him. Whatever no point in dwelling on it. [code]It's Rori now. And I don't know, I'll have to check with Max. Why are you moving out?[/code] He wasn't much older than her after all. [code]Sorry, Rori, got it. It's complicated. We can talk about it.[/code] [code]Sure. We'll work something out.[/code] [code]Great, see you sometime![/code] Rori smiled and locked their phone. Maybe this was their chance to reconnect with the family they hadn't seen in years. [hr] [center][h1][i] [color=9966ff] Lihn Phan [/color] && [color=Powderblue] Kei Phan[/color] [/i][/h1][/center][hr] [i][u] Greencrest Heights, White Coast [/u][/i] "What's that?" Thanh pointed to a picture on the screen of Kei's laptop, smearing a bit of the ice cream she had just been eating on it. Kei sighed softly, moving his laptop slightly where it was in his lap. He'd been trying to catch up a bit on college work and his sister had expressed interest in helping him with it. Or she had claimed to. It seemed she really just wanted him to distract the six year old that was currently bouncing up and down beside him while she wrote up some reports for work, along with filling out more job applications. It was hardly productive. "That, Tani, is a beluga whale," Kei smiled softly at his niece. "I want one!" "You can't have one - they only live in cold climates. They're also very big." "Mommy! Kay Kay won't let me get a booga whale!" Lihn turned her head around to fix Kei with an exasperated look, to which he gave a shrug in response. "We can go to a sea world to see a beluga whale sometime." "Yay!" Thanh grinned, only getting more excited. Lihn turned back to her computer before frowning as a new email popped up in the inbox for her work email. She recognised who it was from - but they certainly weren't someone she would expect an email from. "Thanh, why don't you go to your room and read that book Kei got you?" "But why, mommy, I like being down hereeee." "Thanh, go to your room." Lihn's tone was more stern, causing Kei to look up from his laptop. Thanh, somewhat unhappily, slipped off the sofa and dragged herself out of the room. "What is it?" Kei looked inquisitively at his sister. She wouldn't just send Thanh out of the room for no reason. "I got an email from our uncle." "Eh?" Kei got up, walking over to stand beside Lihn and look at her screen. "Why would he be emailing you? I thought they basically cut off dad..." "Seems like they've changed their mind. Our grandfather wants me back in Vietnam for some kind of family meeting. It involves my mum, for some reason." "Well, he's going to be in for a surprise." Kei frowned. While their father had kept in contact with his own family after moving to the USA they had cut him off after he married Kei's mother. It was a rather complicated mess of affairs - Lihn had retained contact until their father had died. It had been years since they'd heard from any of their family in Vietnam. It was a bit out of the blue. Kei had learnt about them from both his dad, and Lihn, complaining. "They won't approve of Thanh." Lihn shrugged. "They don't approve of you either. You're clearly not invited over." "Can I read the email?" "Go ahead." Kei frowned at the Vietnamese writing on the screen, taking a moment to figure out what it said; [code]Lihn, I am contacting you to ask you to return to Vietnam for at least a few months. My father has matters he wishes to discuss with you regarding your father and mother. It is a matter that must be discussed in person. While your mother is not part of our family anymore it concerns us. You have no need to bring anyone else along with you. Please respond quickly, Vihn Phan[/code] "That's an odd email... and they definitely don't want me coming along. Are you going to go?" Lihn sighed. "Well, Thanh's never been out of the country before. I don't want to jump to cut off our extended family. Who knows, people change." Kei nodded. "I guess we're taking a family trip to Vietnam then... Soon. Are you going to tell Thanh or will I?" "You can take that responsibility. I have flights to book, and emails to make." [hr][i][h1][color=skyblue]Wendy Emily Lucker[/color], & [color=Springgreen]Cindy Keagan[/color][/i][hr][U][I]Oakdell Harbor, White Coast.[/I][/u] It could wait, but Wendy [i]really[/i] had to show this to her case worker. She knows that she annoys Cindy a bit, and she [i]knows[/i] she's probably going to be busy - but, this could be of help. Especially if it's another lunatic running around. Even if Wendy didn't want to lend a helping hand directly. She was willing to stand on this destroyed beach just to give it to her. The whole place still took a beating from the last overload attack. No one was here, and she was hoping that she was able to have this conversation before someone comes by and tells her to leave. A boat came from the sea, and rode all the way up to the beach. Stepping off of it was Cindy Keagan, who had elected to come alone. She didn't have a clipboard or anything professional - but Wendy could just tell from the look on her face that she had better things to do than be here. So, Wendy knew that it was best that she doesn't waste her time. "Hey, you said it was urgent, right?" Cindy said as she walked up, putting her hand on her hip. "Y-yeah," Wendy said as she nodded her head. She had her camera in her hands. "When you were with that... suspect. Me and some friends saw someone, and I managed to take a picture that you might want to see..." Rotating her camera around, Wendy showed the back part of the camera - the golden camera screen. She was displaying the image she took of the Black Hound standing on the side of the rooftop holding a rifle. "He was standing on the roof over you." Wendy said. "Wait..." Cindy raised an eyebrow. "Could this be..." She trailed off as she quickly put two and two together. This [i]has[/i] to be their target. But... before she investigates, there's one thing she has to say. "Give this picture to me, and then delete it, I can't risk anyone coming after you for this picture." Cindy [i]preferred[/i] that Wendy didn't take the picture altogether. "Actually, let me hold this camera for a bit," Cindy said. "Um..." Wendy trailed off, unsure if she wanted to give the camera to Cindy. "Girl, don't act like I won't give it back - if I break it, I'll buy you an [i]even better[/i] one." Cindy said, presenting her fist. Wendy looked at it, and sighed. "Alright," Wendy said, giving her a fist bump and Cindy smiled. "But, just don't go looking at it... some of the pictures on there are really... [i]personal[/i]." Cindy kept that smile on her face. "...I don't even want to know." [hr][hider=Breton - Titan][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mImotdsv0l4[/youtube][/hider][hr][u][i]Academy 61, Roseview.[/i][/u] It was a long day, but the only thing that Wendy could do was go back to her dorm room, and stay the rest of the day there. She opened up her dormroom, and merely walked inside. she turned on the TV, and the first thing that popped up was a news report. [i]"...Old Man Winter, the leader of the Eco-Natura eco-terror group who was behind the terrible terrorist attack today, was killed by RAVEN agents after he put up stiff resistance. After his death, the members of his former organization have mostly fled. Many of which were apprehended. There is a man hunt for the rest of the organization as well. However, the damage to Prince Edfield was extensive. Many of the buildings will have to be demolished as many ask the question of what can even be rebuilt at this point.''[/i] While the TV was rambling, Wendy merely took off her dress, and then plopped down on her bed in nothing but her underwear. She had no interest in going out anymore, since something crazy always happens. And she seems to be at the epicenter of it constantly. It's all weird, but she didn't want to piece the missing pieces together. It wasn't her fight, she was just a bystander. However, her phone began to ring, and she quickly grabbed it and pressed answer with her thumb. The voice immediately told her who it was. "Hey, Wendy," It was Euan Lucker. Her beloved father. "I heard what happened in Baybridge, and wanted to ask if you were okay." Oh. [i]Oh.[/i] She didn't expect this phone conversation, but she had to lie through her teeth. "Oh? That?" Wendy said, brushing it off. "I was in the Academy all day, eating ice cream." She followed that up with a quick laughter. "Oh, I was worried for a second," Euan said. "So I wanted to ask how were you doing?" "Yeah, I'm doing... great," Wendy said, unsure of if she would call a state of constant disaster [i]great.[/i] "I'm trying to publish more pictures, and whatnot - you know, the usual. My academics are doing great, too." "I'm glad... So, they know you're a replicator now? How have you been working with that?" Euan said. "I'm... disappointed in myself that I slipped up like that." "Don't be," Euan said. "You did everything you could, you had no choice but to." "Yeah..." "... Alright, I think it's time I skip the small talk," Euan sighed. "Not that I don't enjoy talking to you... but, I have some news." "Oh?" Wendy asked. "You know my brother... Uncle Zack?" Euan asked. Wendy wasn't particularly close to Uncle Zack, but she knew him at least. "Brianna is being sent to your Academy... and so's her stepbrother, Cody." Euan said. "[i]Oh?[/i] Oh." Wendy said. "That's great, dad..." Wendy and her cousins weren't super close... but, she still appreciated them. But, now they had no choice but to be. She was wondering why they were being sent here of all places, but beggars can't be choosers. "...I'll be sure to show them around," Wendy said, nodding her head. "Good, they got into trouble with DOVE, that's why they're being sent to an Academy," Euan said. "They're heading there now on a plane... I'd love for you to meet them at the airport." A smile appeared on her face when she realized they could all take one big selfie. "...I'll gladly." [hr][i][h1][color=aqua]Jennifer Caspin[/color], & Megan's Group.[/i][hr][U][I]Havenfield Market, Roseview.[/I][/u] Jennifer had made it back to the motel room back in Havenfield. More precisely, the space right in front of it. The Nemesis was putting things in the back of their truck, while Megan and the others sat in the seats. Jennifer wondered how she was going to break things off with them. Since she was a loyal employee, and Megan was so nice to her when they first met. Walking up to the side of the driver's seat, Jennifer said to Megan, "Hey Megan, cam we talk?" She asked. "Oh, sure, love!" Megan cheerfully said as she didn't even move. "...Outside the car?" Jennifer suggested. "Ah, no know, let me just get it out of the way; after talking with some friends... I've decided that I'm going to stay in Baybridge. Leave your organization." "Oh? I'm sorry to see you go, but I can't say that this isn't unexpected," Megan said. "You are a whole new person now, [i]Jennifer[/i]." Megan said with a smile. "But, I can't chain you down to us - here at Jervious enterprises, we encourage you to spread your wings!" "Yeah..." Jennifer scratched the back of her neck. "You were a great help, Megan." "Thank you, darling," Megan started laughing. "Now, we're going to go now... now that the Hands are gone, we gotta expand to new horizons, in new cities! Hope you understand." Jennifer smiled. "I do." She laughed. She watched as the Nemesis slid into the vehicle. "Now, I'm sure the Nemesis appreciates the extra space, we're off!" Megan said as she pressed the gas and left. She poked her head out the window and shouted, "We'll be in touch!" "Goodbye!" Jennifer said. However, after they were off, the group had a conversation. "...So, we're laying low now?" Ray asked as he looked towards Megan. "I don't think we should stay in Baybridge." "Of course not," Megan said. "Let's just wait and see who tries to spring the Mannequin, and the Hands... then we eliminate them, simple as that." "Because the freaks just never stop coming, do they?" Ray asked. "Nope, that's why people like us do what we do..." Megan leaned back in her chair. "...Now, let's go to California, yes?" [hr][h1][color=662d91]Ellen Nile[/color][/h1][hr] The building was empty, it was the same one she had gone to when she had first taken the drug, but it was more unnerving now that it was empty. Her footsteps were quiet in the derelict, somehow swallowed by the silence that filled everywhere else. Ellen felt like she was intruding, which she supposed she was, but then she had been invited, sort of. She'd received a text from Mannequin. It simply read: [quote][pre]There is a gift for you in my lab on the table. Use it wisely.[/pre][/quote] He had simply directed her here, to what had been, she supposed, his temporary base. No one else was here, though she still glanced around guiltily as she entered what looked like a lab. There was a case, what looked like an overlage briefcase of brushed aluminium with a high tech scanner on top. This is what she'd been sent to find. She looked around once more, as though worried there might be someone watching her theft, then took the case and hurried out. Now she sat before the heavy case, simply staring at it, not quite sure if she had the courage to open it. She wondered why she was scared, this was an answer, something to allow her to finally take back control of her life. Perhaps only in part, but it was the part that had ruined it in the first place. She pressed her thumb against the small glass plate and it glowed momentarily, before, to her only slight surprise, it opened. There was a click, and she lifted the lid to expose the glowing vials. The faint light was reflected in her eyes, and she knew that things would finally change... [hr][i][h1][color=Springgreen]Cindy Keagan[/color], [color=red]Meifeng Zhao[/color], [color=cornflowerblue]Shizuka Takashiro[/color], [color=Crimson] Maxine Diaz [/color], [color=gray]Quentin[/color] & [color=darkslateblue]Reed[/color] [color=gray]Tay[/color][color=darkslateblue]lor[/color][/h1][/i][hr] [U][I]Lower South Royer-Town, Prince Edfield.[/I][/u] Fortunately for Cindy; her apartment complex wasn't leveled. [i]Unfortunately,[/i] it's been turned to a jungle so atrocious that not even Tarzan would want anything to do with it. Stepping over a large root, Cindy hissed underneath her breath as she walked up to the front door of her apartment. She put her keys into the door, and cringed as she expected nothing but destruction. However, when she opened the door... everything was perfectly in tact. Not a thing was stirred. There were some vines, and roots growing inside the place - but long as it doesn't grow into the walls, or anything important, they can be easily removed. A sigh of relief left Cindy's lips as she slipped off this uncomfortable business suit, and went towards the shower. She could have gotten dressed at work, but she had to be quick. After a brief shower, Cindy stepped out, wearing a towel over herself (normally she wouldn't since she's alone, but she has guests coming over). Very special guests. After Cindy had settled everything with her case, and at work, she called her closest friends in RAVEN to one point. It was a bit of a risk, and she could get into some serious trouble, but Cindy couldn't just ignore what Dr. Cross said. It'd be stupid to do so, especially with stakes this high. So, putting on jeans, and a black-button up shirt, Cindy walked to the living room of her apartment. Before she could get comfortable, someone was knocking at the door. She was [i]hoping[/i] it was everyone at once. Skipping over to the entrance to her apartment, she opened the door, and - lo and behold - it was everyone at once. "Hey, hey, hey," Cindy said with a smile. "Come on in, ignore all the plants." Shizuka was the first to step in; he was pretty much walking through the vines and roots in the way as if they weren't even there at all. "Hey." He had a good idea why Cindy had gathered all these people at her own apartment instead of the Headquarters, though whatever the reason was, he couldn't help having a bad feeling about it... "Hey," Max gave a slight way, waiting a moment before stepping into the apartment. She was just a tad confused why she, of all the members of RAVEN, had been asked her by [i]Cindy[/i] of all people. Time to people civil, she guessed. She sat down on the sofa, and crossed her legs as she watched everyone walk into the room. The Taylors were the last to show up, together as before. Reed had a habit of flexing his left palm, which had long since healed but left him with the phantom pains of the damage done. Quentin, on the other hand, crunched through the vines with firm steps, greeting the others with a nod. "Good to see you," he remarked, with a thin smile. "Okay, I'm going to be brief; because, officially, we're going off the books," Cindy started off as she looked between her group of fellow RAVENS. "Our good friend Dr. Cross spoke of an organization that caught my attention... the Founding Family. I don't know who they are, but they sound like a problem, so... We should find out..." Cindy reached into her pocket, and pulled out a picture. The picture that Wendy took of he Black Hound standing on the roof. "One of my cases snapped this picture, it's the dude who shot Winter with the overload serum, but that's not all," Cindy shook her head. "I showed it to Dr. Cross, and know who she said it was? [i]The Black Hound.[/i]" She leaned in. "Does that ring a bell?" "It's familiar," Quentin said, trying to recall where it'd come from. "Heard it thrown around a few times but we've never had much info about it." He shrugged. "Why is it these assholes choose some stupid fucking codenames?" "Think about it, Quent," Meifeng said with a grin as she leaned back in her chair. "Do you think a big and mysterious badass would use [i]Harold[/i] as his big badass name? Or [i]Kevin?[/i]" She started laughing. "He's the guy our Savior Mason Connor got the overload serum from," Cindy said, rolling her eyes up into her head. "Which means the two are connected." Shizuka bobbed his head in agreement. "We should really look into this organization, but..." Cindy trailed off, looking to the side, somewhat nervous. "...We gotta do it off the books, unofficial shit. Dr. Cross said there's some agents working for the Founding Family. So I took the recording of the interogation, and threw it into the lake. I don't know how much of that is true, but we can't take that risk. "Fortunately, our mad scientist friend was kind enough to direct us to a few companies, and businesses that work for the Family... but, here comes the problem..." "Break the news, Cindy," Reed said, with low expectation. "...Some of them are in other countries." "What, other countries?" Max turned her head to look at Cindy - she'd mostly just been listening up until now. "Let's see..." Cindy had all the files here on the table. "Dr. Cross pointed out a [i]lot[/i] of stuff. There's a political party in the good old UK that works for them. A [i]big[/i] university in Germany is a front for them. A research center in Sweden is also a front. Dr. Cross also said a shipping company in Singapore works for them, and another research company in Spain is also with them... so we got our work cut out for us." "Well, I'm being sent to Europe..." Max trailed off, looking thoughtful. "I'm pretty sure I'll be in at least Spain. I can try and investigate while there." "Good," Cindy said. "Just keep your head down, don't let them find out." "So, let me guess..." Meifeng asked. "You want us to go 'round the world, searching for this mysterious 'Founding Family'." She finger quoted. "No," Cindy shrugged. "I don't think we can all go on this little foreign exchange program - and even if we can, it's unlikely we won't end up in the places we need to... but, we can at least [i]try.[/i]" Looking between her group, Cindy thought about it. "See about the foreign exchange program, and see where you can go," Cindy thought about it for a moment. "With all the racism goin' on globally, I'm not sure if I'll go." "We need you here," Reed pointed out, "You're one of the people holding this together. I'll stick around as well. We're needed in Baybridge and besides, I couldn't see myself being any use outside the states." "I'll go wherever I'm needed, you know that." Quentin folded his arms. "Well, I'll be flying off to Asia - [i]again[/i] - in three days time." Shizuka shrugged. "I can try to poke around and see what I can gather while I'm there." From the bits of information they had about this 'Founding Family', they sounded like they had a lot of powerful connections around the world, and that was enough to tell him they were extremely dangerous creeps who had to be taken down at all costs. If they didn't want another tragedy like the Verthaven disaster to happen all over again... This time, on a [i]global[/i] scale. [hr][i][h1]...[/i][hr] [U][I]???.[/I][/u] A woman ran fast as she could. Running for dear life as adrenaline made her quick like a rabbit. Running through this maze-like building with something in her hand. However, there were slow footsteps coming up behind her. There were [i]always[/i] footsteps. Her frantic run through the building came to an end when she was stopped by a locked door. "Come on!" The woman said, desperately trying to loosen it. That power of hers was turning out to be useless. She would turn around, but this hallway had no other exits. Which means she has no choice but to keep trying. She started kicking the door open, hard as she could. The woman didn't know whether or not she should be relieved, or terrified, when the door unlocked. She muttered a "thank you, Jesus," as the doors opened and she was getting ready to run through... However... On the other side of the door... the mere sight made the woman's heart sink. It was three of the people she didn't want to encounter. [i]The Blessed Three.[/i] Two awfully tall men, and a woman who was tall by female standards. Each wearing suits so expensive, that they were reserved for the one percent. "...It seems we have found our thief." One of them said, he was tall, and had angular facial features. His face was strong, and he had black hair, and brown eyes. He stared directly at the woman, and put his hand out. "Can I have back what you've taken from us?" Her aggressive persuer, the Black Hound, wearing his black armor with the embelm of a snarling dog on his chest piece painted in white, approached from behind. Holding a M16 assault rifle, he slung the weapon over his shoulder. Not a word left his lips, but his presence alone was enough to sway the woman. She was shaking - each of the people here could reduce her to a stain on the wall with a thought. What she swiped was, what she believes, the only way to get out of this life. She... had no choice. Maybe she can appease them. Holding the object with both hands, she shakily handed it back to the man who addressed her first. "Good..." The man slipped the stolen article - with was a syringe with a glowing yellow liquid - into his suit. Not like she could ever make good use of it. "What is your name?" "...[i]Angie.[/i]" "Angie... You have made the Blessed Three [i]very[/i] disappointed in you," The Man said as he grabbed onto her wrist. "The Family has placed a lot of trust into you... and you betray that trust, by attempting to steal our hard work..." "Give that whore up for experimentation, Blake, her genetic materials will be useful," The other man aggressively said, he raised his fist up and it was sparking with electricity. He looked between the three. "Or better yet, give her to me to play with, the best we can do for her is enhance her broken genes for the next generations." The electricity intensified. "Ezekiel," Blake started off as he turned towards Ezekiel, and looked at him, "What do you take us for? Men living in the dark ages?" He sounded clearly disgusted. He grabbed the woman, and pulled her in, wrapping his arm around her. "She... merely just need a bit more guidance," Blake started off. "However... a punishment is in order so we avoid events like this again." "Oh, no!" The woman shouted trying to run away, but the Black Hound grabbed her, and slung her over his shoulder. While she did her best to squirm, it didn't help. "Black Hound, take her to the detention center." "Wait, what?!" Angie said. "No!" The Black Hounds eyes started glowing a red color. "[i]Affirmative.[/i]" His robotic voice said as he carried the prisoner off. "Now, we can get back to our meeting without being interrupted," Blake said as he closed the doors slowly, watching the Black Hound do his job. The Blessed Three retreated back inside their meeting room, a large round, room which had windows that gave everyone a great view of the city skyline. There were three chairs arranged in a triangle, all of them facing each other. The Blessed Three took seats. "Julia, would you continue?" Blake asked, leaning in. "...As I was saying," Julia, the only female member of the Blessed Three - a tall redhaired woman with a curvy, yet muscular figure - stood up and looked between Ezekiel, and Blake. "Dr. Cross, and all the employees that she has left, have been captured by RAVEN." "Serves her right for such insolence," Ezekiel said, rolling his eyes up into his head. "She was expendable, truthfully - but, what we have to decide upon is whether or not we take action. She knows something... enough to cause us trouble." "Assassinating her within that building would be quite the challenge, even with our men and women within the organization," Blake stated. "... And, if she has spoke of us, they would be on guard for assassination." "Which means that wretch has already started problems for us..." Ezekiel groaned. "I wouldn't say that much..." Julia mentioned. "The last thing we need to do is act brashly... we are the Blessed Three after all." Both Ezekiel and Blake laid their eyes on Julia. "We are [i]blessed[/i] with perfect genes, intellect, and abilities... we should be more than capable of handling this," Julia first said as she crossed her arms. "We shouldn't falter because of one risk." "What I'm annoyed about is how Cross, and her scheme took valuable resources away from the Family," Ezekiel said, crossing his arms, annoyed. "Hell, they even removed potential resources such as Baron..." "...But, we all know we wouldn't have been able to trust him," Julia said. "Nor would we have any real way to control him." "Nonetheless, we are inching closer and closer to our goal..." Blake said as he leaned in forward. "The device that will change the world is almost finished... and with it, humanity will be improved, for the better." Ezekiel grinned wickedly. [i]...Or destroyed.[/i]