[hr] Cthadranians are an odd species, biologically. Some question how they managed to get as far as they did, with the way they function. An 'individual' Cthadranian is actually made up of six separate brains, with two personalities each. They are constantly at war for control of the body, which consists of six segmented tendrils based around a snake-like body, which contains lungs, the digestive tract and other vital organs. With the way the Cthadranian body functions, only one brain receives nutrient priorities - the others fight for this priority, often by strangling the dominant tendril to starve it of blood. Cthadranian reproduction consists of a cycle much like flies, occurring once in their lives. They lay batches of eggs, although the young ones, once hatched, will fight to the death in order to prove who is strongest. Mating is violent and deadly...after laying her eggs in a protective clutch, the female dies from internal injuries, the male goes on to fertilize more females, until he is killed by a male attempting to impregnate the same female. Gestation time is roughly six weeks, from laying to hatching, and Cthadranians reach maturity at six years, often mating when they are forty to fifty years old. [hr] (Can't think of a new alien thing. Someone cover me!)