As Grey sat snoozing in bed, time ticked by fast and several alarms went off. First his extra early alarm. That one didn't even stand a chance. Then his early alarm. Unlucky bastard. On time alarm went off, got him to stir, but he just snoozed it as he was accustomed to doing. It wasn't till the late alarm went off that the smooth lines of one-half of the rap group Eclipse finally penetrated his dreams and reminded him that he should at this point be VERY awake. "...your Pidgy's missing an -ot. Your coupe's missing a flock. You see, the common theme's that they both got wings~ If you fly do it to-" Suly's hand came down on the off button hard and he yawned, stretching as he looked to see the time. Double taking when he laid eyes on what time it actually was, Suly hightailed it out the bed and fell to the ground as he did so tripping to the ground. He scrambled to his feet and ran off to shower and dress. This had to be quick, quick, quick. A bunch of calls from the interview coordinator AND it was his first day! "[color=7ea7d8]Grendel, GRENDEL! GET UP![/color]" He called out to his Noivern from the shower as the water ran, waking him up preemptively. The following few minutes was utter chaos as Sulyvahn tried to do his usual 30-minute morning routine within the course of around 7 minutes. His dreads weren't as thoroughly shampooed as they should've been, and he didn't have enough time to pick out something nice looking to impress his fellow workers and the man he was to be interviewing. Oh. Yeah. He didn't own any impressive clothing. With that dilemma solved, Suly threw on a pretty casual outfit, all things considered. The chain he wore around his neck jingled quite loudly as he grabbed his large silver and black case. "[color=7ea7d8]Grendel, come on boy! Gotta move![/color]" He and his partner exited their small messy apartment, and he climbed onto Grendel's back as the dragon type flapped its wings and took off, heading directly towards the radio tower. Whilst balancing the case in his other arm, using his free arm Suly sent a message to the interview guy. "[i]Srry bout that, slept in a bit. I'll be there in two shakes of a lamb's tail.[/i]" With the message sent, he and Grendel descended upon their approach to the tower. Grey patted his pal's snout as he hopped off him, case in tow as he ran into the tower to speed towards his first job. Only about a half an hour late! Better than his last job! He rapidly pressed a button in the elevator and got in when the elevator was finally called, riding up to the floor where the studio was. As soon as the elevator door was open, he was off like a shot to the studio and awkwardly bumped shoulders with an older man standing in his path. Leaning over and resting his hands on his knees, he huffed a bit as his dreads hung down into his face and his hood covered the back of his head. "[color=7ea7d8]I-i'm here. Are we using traditional tracks or the newer kind?[/color]" Sulyvahn hadn't actually looked at who was in the room or if he was in the right place at all, but he held up his case which was full of records. He caught his breath and waited, holding the case up.