Posted again for convenience. It's finished for the most part, let me know if there's anything you want me to change. [hider=Maria] [center][img][/img] [i]"Do I have to...?"[/i][/center] [color=indianred][b]Name:[/b][/color] Maria Siddiqui [color=indianred][b]Alias(s):[/b][/color] Marie, Sid [color=indianred][b]Age:[/b][/color] 26 [color=indianred][b]Height:[/b][/color] 5'7" [color=indianred][b]Weight:[/b][/color] 135 [color=indianred][b]Hair Color:[/b][/color] Dark Mahogany [color=indianred][b]Eye Color:[/b][/color] Greyish Hazel [color=indianred][b]Crew Position:[/b][/color] Medical Officer - Apothecary [color=indianred][b]Physical Appearance:[/b][/color] She's often seen with her messy and tangled hair let down and rested on her shoulders, a generally blank facial expression, and a slouch. [color=indianred][b]Attire:[/b][/color] She usually sports a simple, full-sleeved blouse with a buttoned down vest, knee-length breeches with opaque tights underneath, and leather ankle boots. She occasionally wears gloves, a worn-out white coat, and mask while working; and sometimes ties a red ribbon around the collar to add some color. [color=indianred][b]Personality:[/b][/color] [u]Passive:[/u] She is lethargic in her mannerisms and is always reluctant to partake in physical activities. Her sluggish behavior is her most visible attribute as it's easily noticeable in her voice and posture. However, it does not interfere with her work ethic. At most, it messes up her physical health and sleep schedule, but nothing important. [u]Oblivious:[/u] When she appears too calm in a threatening situation, it's most likely due to her inattentiveness. She has no sense of danger whatsoever and will probably get herself into trouble more than she realizes. Her naivete might end her up at the bottom of the ocean someday. [u]Capable:[/u] Despite being close to an absolutely useless person, she is able to prove her worth every once in a while. She's diligent and resourceful when it comes to her specialty in medicine. In rare occasions, she'll show hints of maturity and responsibility. [u]Honest:[/u] One of her not-so-many good traits is her truthfulness. She is a straightforward and genuine person. There's rarely ever beating around the bush. Maria will bluntly state what's on her mind and dislikes keeping secrets. Unfortunately, she's also too trusting. If there's anything she hates, though, it's sunlight and liars. [color=indianred][b]Weapons & Equipment:[/b][/color] A black steel katar with a wing engravement and a pig iron scimitar sheathed away in storage somewhere. [color=indianred][b]Shard Ability:[/b][/color] [u]Avimancy:[/u] At the most basic level, she's able to beckon a couple of small birds for her command. It's not very impressive, but they're useful for pigeon post. Sometimes they can be used for combat with their terrorizing pecks, but usually they end up just making a mess on the ship's deck--which of course she takes no responsibility for. Her summoned familiar usually hangs around her for the most part. [color=indianred][b]Brief History:[/b][/color] Maria was born as the daughter of two well-behaved Horus residents who never expected to conceive such a troublesome young girl. Her father was a respected apothecary who'd resided in the Eastern Tip for all of his life; her mother was an expert in the arts of horticulture. They made a swell pair and were well-known in their community. Once Maria was birthed, their days became tiresome. It was almost as if she was a magnet for trouble. She'd get lost on the streets, trust and follow strangers way too often, and find herself in situations where a ransom was necessary for her release. As years passed by, it was as if every runaway thief in Horus wanted to hand whatever they stole to her and proceed to make their escape. Her pitiful parents had to explain dozens of misunderstandings to multiple different vendors and merchants. Their rep in the community and wealth began to decline. Eventually, they kept her under a strict house arrest. Of course, it's not like they wanted to suppress their only daughter from the outside world. They just wanted to make sure she stayed safe. During those golden years, Maria learned medicine from both her mother and father. On the down side, her only friends were birds. As she entered her adult years, she began her own practice to help the sick and poor. Her parents started to regret keeping her locked up and decided she was finally old enough to care for herself. That was a big mistake on their part because an adult with no experience in the outside world most likely wouldn't have much wisdom. As expected, the idiot got herself into trouble once again--this time, with a group of pirates. It was just a normal and strangely quiet day delivering medicine. Maria eventually bumped into a group of burly, scary-faced macho men. They began demanding for her to hand over the contents of her bag. She figured they were in urgent need of medicine and handed over some extras which were not delivery orders. The pirates were a little dumbfounded at her compliance but decided to snatch the whole bag anyways, and her as well. To sum it up, she ended up being held (unknowingly) hostage for several months on a lesser-known ship where she provided basic medical care. Surprisingly, they treated her pretty nicely there despite the lies of eventually allowing her to return to Horus. Maria wasn't too concerned since she believed it was better being away from constantly causing problems for her parents. Sooner or later, the amateur group of burly-men pirates decided to go against the Ocean Horizon. As expected, the burly-men pirates faced an embarrassing defeat. The captain of the Ocean Horizon allowed Maria to join his crew. After saying her heartfelt goodbyes to the others, she became an apothecary on the new ship. [color=indianred][b]Relationships:[/b][/color] Buddies with Yara Yaaarrgh! (kept it :P) [/hider]