[center][h1][u]Into The Dark: Mercenaries[/u][/h1][/center] [img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/46873d928c3f5a014665cbaa904293d2/tumblr_o9okzlGl8Q1sx8o26o1_1280.jpg[/img] Well met, and welcome fellow Mercenaries! In short, this RP is a dark medieval fantasy experience rife with blood, combat, magic, and intrigue. If you're a fan of Dungeons and Dragons, Warhammer Fantasy, Dragon Age, or ASOIAF, I think you'll want to take a look. This is set in a fantasy universe of my own making, apart of a series called 'Into The Dark' that I've been working on since 2010. In this Roleplay, you'll be able to roleplay as various races and classes. The main goal is to set up your own free company of mercenaries and to gain a reputation, though that is not your only option. You needn't be a sword for hire. Perhaps you're the rogue who works as the company's eyes and ears within the city, or perhaps you even betray your fellow comrades for gold? Perhaps you're a wealthy merchant that seeks to fund this ragtag group, or even oppose it? Or even so, maybe you've merely met the group and play the part of an ambitious lordling/lady seeking the mantle as city ruler? [img]http://i.imgur.com/J2OWH.jpg[/img] [h2][center][u]The World[/u][/center][/h2] This takes place in a World called Maroleth, on the largest known continent, Torek. It's filled with various different biomes and people. I admit I suck at maps and do not have one, but since I'm wanting to 'open' you up into this big world, I'll just give a minor description of the continent and its nations. [u]Whichever place or people you choose to hail from, PM me to find out more and to answer any questions you have.[/u] The North eastern peninsula is Praelior, going west is Vrettonia and Bania, followed by Andred, which leads into the Khalahar plains that lie just above the Arad Luin Desert and just below the fabled Steppes. This is the North. At the Center of Torek, like a great red eye, is the Dreadlands. Long ago, when the race of man grew in power and esteem, they began to let loose their inner desires, filling their lives with anger, violence, lust, and all forms of hedonistic sin. Instead of punishing them himself, the Evergod touched the world, and made a 'drain' of sorts, for all of mankind's sins to wash away in. This drain, formed at the center of the Primieval Forest, is now known as the Dreadlands. It's a region of fire and ash, full of demons and cultists who have proven themselves worthy of being able to enter to join its armies. It's a, simply, a hellscape. Before the Downfall of Praelior and after the great demonic war, the Empire joined together with the Elves and Dwarves to form 12 Towers called Mythal- Tiriths to surround the Dreadlands and keep them from spreading. Unfortunately, over the years, each tower fell from DeathKnights or were abandoned, leading to increasing attacks by armies of cultists and demons. The Dreadlands, coupled with the Great Primieval forest that surrounds it, as well as the Fangs of the World, all separate the Northern Nations from the Southland. To the east, one must cross the Khalahar plans and the Arad Luin desert to make it into that uncharted land. Only by ship is it somewhat safe, and you must travel around the continent to reach there. Other than its red skinned natives, Lizardmen, and various Elven races (and the occasional Dwarf hold or two), the Southland remains hugely uncharted. [hider=Human Nations] Disclaimer: This is simply for character building. PM me for whichever you choose to get more info. I have left it deliberately vague, because when our group eventually travels top a few of these places, it'll be a new experience. [center][b]Andred[/b][/center] The most powerful Kingdom of Man. The quintessential medieval kingdom, full of Knights, Castles, Witches, Lords, and is known as the nation of Kings. It was formed over 1000 years ago when the barbarian chiefs of the north, scattered after the fall of Praelior, rallied together under King Keelan to halt a demonic incursion. It was then visited by the Avatars of 3 Gods, Bael (god of justice), Galena (goddess of healing), and Guandet (god of cities and defenses), and given their blessing. There is one King, named Connrad, and 10 High Lords, as well as various lesser Lords. Crusades are often called upon against the Khalahar and the Ra'sheeks of the Arad Luin, and even within the Dreadlands themselves. It's people are fair skinned, with various hair and eye colors, though brown eyes are rare. The Landscape of Andred varies, though generally it is heavily forested. While slavery is technically outlawed, the south eastern region of Andred has a healthy underground slave trade of Ra'sheeks and Khalahar, as well as Lizardmen. [center][b]Praelior[/b][/center] The Empire of Praelior is the most ancient civilization of men known to date, the empire's history stretching back over 2,000 years. Praelior's borders once spread throughout the entire North, and even into the Arad Luin desert, and within the jungles of the Southland itself. That is, until the curse of Jesuah, the Evergod's avatar upon Maroleth, and within a decade the Empire began to crumble from within and without. Now it is but a shell of its former glory, though its people are strong. They prize skill and dedication highly. They follow the [i]Armadium[/i], an ancient text that describes the role of government, people, and their duties. Think of it like the "Art of War" for civilization and daily life. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jl0hMfqNQ-g]It's not often seen as literal when it comes to its descriptions on being a good citizen.[/url] So even if many prize skill and hard work, most just try to make a living and leave the Praelian ideal to those with the will power. Slavery and Gladiator bouts are still common throughout the land, though the Gladiators are often criminals, and Slaves are either criminals, or indentured servants who chose slavery for a time with their consent. The nation is made up of powerful city states that owe allegiance to an Emperor, who is given heed by a senate of the people. It's people generally well formed, if not attractive and athletic, with skin ranging from Olive to Bronzed. They tend to have brown or black hair and dark eyes, though some refugees to the nation have made auburn hair a possibility. The people are tall, for example, the average height of an Andred woman is 5'6 and the average for a male is 5'11, compared to 5'9 for women and 6'1 for men in Praelior. The soldier's of Praelior master the spear, the shield, and the short sword. [center][b]Vrettonia[/b][/center] A land of lush fields and beautifully sculpted hedges farmed by skilled farmers and gardeners, Vrettonia is a beautiful land throughout. It was was recently transformed from an Aristocracy to a Magocracy 20 years previous, the mages making a coup as the Vrettonian's were locked in a war with Andred over resources. Despite the shift in power, the high born that had been overthrown still have a bit of power in the outer reaches of the country and away from the mage's courts. The city life has done little to change however, with a firmly set upper, middle, and lower class. The Vrettonians very much enjoy the colors of precious metals, from copper, bronze, and of course gold. Blonde or light brown hair is considered extremely attractive. In fact, all forms of physical and artistic beauty is highly prized in their culture. Vrettonians enjoy parties, balls, and various outings where they can show off their wealth or power, wearing the finest silks and jewelry. Dueling is by no means short in other areas of the world, but Vrettonia is famous for its duelists, as well as its apothecaries, and mages. (Their accent is reminiscent of french, with a bit of Transylvanian) [center][b]Bania[/b][/center] A nation that is between the northern sections of Vrettonia and Andred, jutting out into a northern peninsula, is Bania, home of monsters. It's an old and closed minded way to describe it, but this snowy land has been haunted by more Vampires and Werewolves than any other nation known to man. In fact, it's Elven Queen Isabela overthrew and slew the Vampire, count Hiemmlich, who made a short-lived grab at the throne 120 years previous. Hills, pine forests, and feet of snow are what come to mind when someone travels through Bania, though it's short summers are beautiful, revealing rolling grasslands and distant mountains. Banian's tend to have fair skin but dark hair. They're men are gruff and their women are sultry, with a superstitious (and rightly so!) culture of fighters and strong drinkers. (They roll their R's when speaking. Think a mixture between Russian and transylvanian) [center][b]Khalahar[/b][/center] The giant, nomadic barbarians of the eastern plains are famous for their running stamnina, despite them also being famous for their avid horsemanship. Their ponies are squat, but have incredible stamina. Due to being written in the Holy scriptures of the North as being led by demons (and they were, for only a short time), Andred and the other nations have seen fit to keep them out of civilizaed lands, and there is an ongoing war between the Khalahar and 3 Andred provinces to the east. The Khalahar are dust skinned, with red or brown hair. They are well muscled and even taller than Praelians most of the time, and they are incredible hunters. [center][b] Kaelic Islands/The Kaels:[/b][/center] North of Andred and Bania lies an island enshrouded by mists and myth. It's covered in great forests, highlands, foothills, and scattered mountains. Almost all sides of the island is rocky shores or sheer cliff faces. This island is home to the stubborn yet admirable Kaelic people. Fierce, independent, and prideful, the Kaels have a clan based society with a culture that reveres druids, honor, and freedom. They are masters of guerilla warfare, wearing blue woad paint and wielding large greatswords/axes/maces/short spears into battle (and are skilled archers and tree climbers). While not quite as technologically advanced as the Kingdom of Andred or other nations of the North, they are by no means savages, with towns of civilized people who lead simple but fulfilling lives, and great cheiftan settlements made of timber and stone. For a hundred years, Andred has made an unsuccessful but determined occupation of the Isle. That is only the latest complication, for such a small piece of land holds trolls, giants, a few Wood Elven villages, and even a great Dwarf hold. The Kaels have received their distinctive accents from long years of trading the Dwarves good meat for fine iron. The Elves and they respect one another for their stealth in the woods, as well. They make a particular kind of Whiskey, highly prized in the mainland. They are well known raiders, tribal warriors, and pirates (or so Andred claims). Men are typically brown and black haired, and women are typically auburn or brown haired, though of course it can switch up. The people are famous for their storm blue eyes to match the woad upon their fair faces. (think medieval scots for the [i]most[/i] part) [center][b]The Savages of Iona[/b][/center] Above the North Sea, past the Kaelic Island and Bania, is a land of ice and fierce tundra, full of Trolls, Mammoths, Direbears, and Ice Drakes, and the sea guarded by great grey scaled serpents. It's an unforgiving land that has bred an unforgiving people, who are simply known as the people of Iona. They prize swords, axes, and fast sloops as their main weapons. They take what others are too weak to keep, and live by survival of the fittest. Both men and women make challenges and fight over husbands/wives. They value hunts and raids, and can survive colder temperatures far longer than the average northerner. They typically have fair skin, blonde or brown hair, and thick muscle. Brown eyes among them are rare. Some seek to raid and occupy the main continent for richer resources and a respite from the growing number of Ice 'demons'. [center][b]The Thangors of Thangoradrim[/b][/center] A range of mountains lies to the south of Andred, cutting upwards to curve around the nation. The mountains, foothills, and rocky forests that lie there, and south of Andred are apart of a clan based society, Thangoradrim, a vassal and shield of Andred. The Thangor's [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3585167]introduction, economy, society, and landscape[/url] can be found in the link. Yes, I made one of my world's nations and saw how it'd hold up in a Nation RP. :rock [center][b]Arad Luin & Ra'sheeks[/b][/center] The tan to dark skinned people called the Ra'sheeks dwell in the great Arad Luin desert, living within a society that is little known in the north and theorized to be little more than vicious raiders, thieves, and infidels. In actuality, their cities and kingdoms are quite rich in both money and culture. They place a high value on Magic, especially magic concerning enchanting, fire, sand, and wind magic. They have a strict class system however, and you must known your place, else face having an arm cut off. They enjoy their leisure time more than most, for leisure time shows you are successful enough to have some. They take great pride in their culture. They are hardy and can survive a long period of time without water compared to most humans. The Ra'sheek people have their own distinct language, with a commoner and high born dialect. If they are a commoner and learn to speak the common language of the North, then they tend to repeat words, such as 'yes yes' when speaking. If they are high born, that trait seems to be absent. From their culture being a revised version of the Ancient praelian empire, they live in various city states close to rivers and the coast, with spiraling architecture that waxes and wanes in design. While their reputation as thieves are a bit off, and for bigoted individuals, many prominent Rogueish guilds for thieves or assassins have done well for themselves in the bowels of their cities. The infamous 'Pit' fighting arena began in the Arad Luin. A blood sport competition for criminals where underlords and even wealthy merchants/nobles bet on prized cutthroats and fighters. It has spread throughout the north, though it's outlawed everywhere, even in its native homeland. [center][b]Southland/Confederation of Coastal Cities[/b][/center] A Southlander is very much like a Borderlander. For the most part, you can use this description for making a Borderland character as well. The Southland is a region as large as the whole of the North. Larger, in fact. Filled with subtropical to tropical jungles filled with monsters, huge looming creatures, and nameless things men have yet to name or even discover. Only a few cities such as Del'Linduil and Darkwater have survived, and they have done so by building upon ancient Praelian/Elven ruins, with great walls. Of course, the large numbers of Northerners trying to make a trip into the Southland succeed at times, and uncharted villages dot the landscape. A southlander goes there to find greater fortune and life than could be found in the north. [u]If you make a character from the Southland or Borderlands, you're open to customize your character more, because both regions are melting pots of immigrants.[/u] [/hider] [h2][center][u]Magic[/u][/center][/h2] [center][img]http://i1017.photobucket.com/albums/af291/POOHEAD189/Male%20Characters/Wizard_by_artstain.jpg[/img][/center] Ah yes, Magic. The word itself brings wonders to mind in an instant! Magic is a mysterious and curious, but very dangerous thing. Only the Goddess of Magic, and the EverGod who made her, have full knowledge of its depths and Origins. It is a supernatural force that ranges in power from transporting things long distance, to viewing peoples dreams, to even slowing time. Something we do know, that all mages learn, is that magic is dangerous, but more than that....it is addictive. One must have control over themselves, to use magic. It is not as addictive as pleasures of the flesh (to most), and lust for Gold for most (especially Dwarves and Dragons), but it is addictive none the less. Mages who seek power seek it, not only to be more powerful, but also to be able to feel more magic flowing through them. As to how non magic users view it, think of the Warhammer world. Magic is known to be more than mere superstition, but it's not everyday common, and often seen as untrustworthy and suspicious to most. Magic is everywhere. In the air we breathe and the water we drink and the food we eat. Within us. A Mage's strength is derived from how much magic is initially within you, and how much magic from the surrounding world you can handle. Also, despite everyone having the ability to wield magic, only the educated and the properly trained can hope to cast a spell. Without the correct rituals and practices given by a master or teacher, you have next to no chance at harnessing what magic you possess. This is why there are so few mages. Spells, Runes, and Incantations are fail-safes for magic. They are not required, but beginner mages cannot wield magic without them, and even Master mages would do well to keep the proper scriptures and phrases in mind. However, once you are no longer a novice, you have the limited ability to wield magic at your will without uttering a phrase or planting a rune. Higher classes can wield magic easily without such precautions (unless it is a particularly powerful spell they are casting) unless of course, they have exhausted themselves. In that event, if they lose enough strength, they will only be able to wield spells through runes, incantations, and mystical phrases. [u]Note: There are mage guilds throughout the North. If you wish, you can create your own for the sake of character if you PM me about it.[/u] [h2][center][u]The Premise[/u][/center][/h2] [img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/7daf1e09cec8623e270f7a627f045ba2/tumblr_o9gyqld45j1sx8o26o1_1280.jpg[/img] Now, onto where we begin! Of all the regions in the north, the borderlands that hug the fangs of the world are the most volatile and chaotic. You and your fellow mercenaries will have just arrived outside the walled City of Starkvale in a large collection of valleys known as Dethu'lun. The region of swamps, rises, and forests are filled with Lizardmen, Ogres, Orcs, Bandits, and there are rumors of giants and the dead within the mountains, and even a black Dragon having made its home somewhere in the wild. A perfect place for some would be adventurer to make a name for themselves. The problem is, due to constant wars by the Border Lords, refugees and other mercenaries have flocked to the city and filled it to the brim, so the arriving mercs have had to camp outside of the city's looming walls. There is a way in however. The leaders of the city have elected a contest to see what sellsword company can bring back the biggest haul of monster and bandit kills, and they will be given a company house near Hightown and recognized as a legitimate guild. There is also a prize of 300 gold, not to mention the average cost of each kill you make (no small amount). You have only been there one night before you receive a letter by a huge Dwarf clad in plate armor, from an up and coming Merc captain who has a plan on how to get the biggest haul, and invites you to his tent pavillion the following day to hear him out. [hr] [u][b]Character Sheet[/b][/u] [hr] [CODE][B]Username:[/B] [b]Character Name:[/b]State your name. (Put your alias or title in parenthesis) [b]Race/Species:[/b] I'd prefer human or half human, but PM me if you wish for something different. [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Career/Class:[/b] [b]Weapons:[/b] [list] [*] [*] [*] [/list] [b]Physical Description (as detailed as possible please, pictures not accepted.):[/b] [b]Armor:[/b] [b]Equipment/Other[/b] [b]Mental Description/Personality:[/b] [b]Goals:[/b] It can be something simply like the title, fame and fortune. Or it can be something more story based, such as you were the heir of a Vrettonian aristocrat who's lost their fortune from the mage's coup and wishes to regain a fortune to fight back. The possibilities are endless. [b]Background/History:[/b]I realize that I don't have a wiki for my info, so I will allow bullet points for a history. [list] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [/list] [hr][/CODE] [hider=Rules and Things to remember] [list] [*]Be polite to one another in the OOC. [*]This will be a group RP, so I expect you to discuss things in and out of character. [*]I am extremely flexible, and sometimes too nice for my own good, but I am also taking this RP seriously, so try not to do anything too ridiculous. [*]I [b]greatly encourage[/b] you to question my lore, if you're curious on anything. Not only will it help you to make a character or better a post, but it will help me in world building. [*] [u]New Rule: PM me your character sheets, though you can use the OOC for Work in Progress sheets if you wish.[/u] [*]I expect frequent posts at the beginning, but once momentum dies down, I'll want a post every week, but require one every fortnight. Unless of course you're busy, and you [u]let me know[/u]. [*]If you ever have an idea for your character, I will be happy to collab. [*]The Technology of this world is 12th-14th century. But things such as rapiers for duelists, or basket hilted blades, are allowed. Only Dwarves and Gnomes have gunpowder weaponry, and they are still few and far between. [*][u]I will need at least 2 well formed paragraphs per post[/u]. I would like no more than 5 unless it's a collab, but that will not be a rule, however. Far be it from me to make a rule that halts creativity. [*][b][u]Your character can die.[/u][/b] I cannot stress this enough. If I see people making mistakes often enough, I will eventually exploit that opening. If they go up against something completely out of their league, I will hardly hold back, if at all. They need to be smart, or to REALLY be on my good side to live through something difficult. [*]If you die in this RP, I will allow you to make a 2nd character. [*]If you go over the time limit on your post, I'll have your character die to make the other Mercs realize just how dangerous Torek is. [*][u]I will reward you on loot based upon your posting[/u]. For example, if you attack a group of bandits and are all "I slaughtered all 7 with little effort" then you get no real loot. But if you post realistically, and in a well written fashion that you slew two or three with your sword (and you have a history of being a good swordsman), and perhaps you were at least wounded in the exchange, I might be inclined to reward you at that moment with a high priced item on their person, or reward you later. [/list] [/hider] [@rush99999][@ProjectOdin][@Sleater][@Austronaut][@LPFan][@frapet][@Polybius][@Infichi][@deanmachin]