Joshua was having a great day unlike the all the other days that had passed before. He got a new job and today was his first day, of course he knew the position he has is not gonna be a cake walk. But again at least he got a job the only down side was he had to wake up really early which was new for him. He fed himself and his Chimchar some food that would give them enough energy for the morning. On his way to the radio tower he took a shortcut and was there along with a big crowd of people, guess he was late? See Joshua's job was basically he would go around and see what people needed help doing whether it was assisting them with their job, or having to run across town to pick up some food or whatever. He walked around seeing if anyone needed help and what surprised him was someone came to him for his first task. She had dragged him to do a sound check, so he was placed in the booth and she was on the other side waiting for him to speak. "Um what should I say? Maybe I could talk about my buddy Chimchar? Oh or I could talk about how this is such an amazing job and I'm lucky to have it." Joshua thought maybe he just did the sound check while trying to figure out what to talk about. So he just waited for a reply from the girl. But another girl came in and he couldn't hear what she was saying he kinda guessed she was flirting. Before Joshua decided to say something else another person walked in, and they didn't seem to be having as good of a day as him. He asked who they were and Joshua decided to speak up first. "I'm Joshua or Josh for short, I'm basically the errand boy for this place. Who are you?" Joshua felt kinda intimidated by the man but still wasn't afraid to speak to him. [@Bourgeoisie][@Rune_Alchemist][@Thundercrash]