[h1][center]My Other Characters[/center][/h1] [hider=Nyaira] [img]http://i.imgur.com/XJ6JbFl.jpg?1[/img] [b]Race:[/b] Vampire. [b]Age:[/b] Looks around 19, but is somewhere around 400 years old. Just a little older than Alex. [b]Mission:[/b] [u]Previous:[/u] To lead the attacks at the local college, where the children of few of the local government officials (and leaders of the largest anti-supernatural group in the area) attend. [u]Current:[/u] To find and capture Victoria. Alive. [b]Other:[/b] Knew Alex before he had his revelation and left her and Luc's group, of which she is the second-in-command. Nyaira, which is a name she decided to switch to shortly after she was turned, is a flirt, and once had feelings for Alex when they were companions, but is--and has been for many years--Luc's girl. She was turned just a little before Alex, and they met when they were both recruited into Luc's group around the same time. They became close friends and one of the best pairs of partners in crime. Together, they quickly scaled the ranks, catching Luc's attention. Soon, the trio became a formidable force of their own. When Alex left, shedding his Old World ways, Nyaira was the only thing that stopped Luc from hunting Alex down to try and kill him for his betrayal. Now, she hopes she won't regret that decision, as long ago as it was.[/hider] [hider=Luc] [img]http://i.imgur.com/QDG1kA6.jpg?1[/img] [b]Race:[/b] Vampire [b]Age:[/b] Looks to be in his early to mid twenties, but his real age is unknown. [b]Mission:[/b] Undisclosed as of present. [b]Other:[/b] Has never quite lost his French accent. He is the leader of his group of Old World supernaturals, which he originally started and maintained long before Nyaira and Alex were little more than a thought in this world. Though, through the ages, the members of the group have all switched out numerous times as they were killed or left to work on their own, he has always managed to find more recruits eager to bring about a world where supernaturals ruled over humans and they no longer had to fear whether humans would strike against them. There is a sense of regal power and age about him. He always tries to give the appearance of being calm and collected, but there is always a hint of hostility and a large dose of malice lurking just beneath the surface of his pale features, both of which occasionally break free. Because of his age--which he has never actually told anyone--and extended past with magic, he is capable of sensing the use of magic and even following the trail it leaves. Whether or not he has any magical abilities of his own has yet to be shown.[/hider] [hider=Jevan] [img]http://i.imgur.com/bCqDIco.jpg?1[/img] [b]Race:[/b] Warlock [b]Age:[/b] Around 505, give or take a couple years. [b]Mission:[/b] Unknown, if any. [b]Other:[/b] Illyad's older brother. Currently living in one of his usual places located in a snowy climate, he has made a name for himself as being one of the most powerful of warlocks. However, he has somehow managed to mostly stay off others' radar to an extent, many people knowing his name but not his face. While he usually stays out of officially joining the various Old World groups, he still associates more with them with their identical ideologies, and will help anyone whose plans line up with his, especially when it will lead more to his gain. Growing up, he had an insatiable hunger for power, and devoted himself to achieving just that. He was a pain to grow up with, and loved tormenting humans (and his brother) whenever he got the chance. Over the years, he has amassed a large wealth, which he has invested to keep it growing, and uses more aliases than most people can even remember in order to prevent any of it from being linked directly to him. Since most only know his name on the supernatural side of things, not his appearance, this has allowed him to take various high-standing positions in the public eye without being recognized. And since he is a master at coming off as deceptively kind and helpful, gaining these positions have come quite easily for him, all things considered. Plus, magic always helps, too.[/hider]