[quote=@Emma] [hider=WORK IN PROGRESS.][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/y0iJMIw.png[/img] [i][color=bc8dbf]"INSERT QUOTE HERE"[/color][/i][/center] [b][color=bc8dbf]Name:[/color][/b] Yara Catalina Loras [b][color=bc8dbf]Alias(s):[/color][/b] [b][color=bc8dbf]Age:[/color][/b] 23 [b][color=bc8dbf]Height:[/color][/b] 5'4" [b][color=bc8dbf]Weight:[/color][/b] 120 lbs [b][color=bc8dbf]Hair Color:[/color][/b] Silky Black [b][color=bc8dbf]Eye Color:[/color][/b] Olive Green [b][color=bc8dbf]Crew Position:[/color][/b] Medic - Surgeon [b][color=bc8dbf]Physical Appearance:[/color][/b] Yara has straight raven black hair that reaches just past her mid back. Her skin is an copper color, with warm olive undertones. She has dark green eyes with golden flecks, and is considered average high for a woman. Though she does has a small frame, she is fit and as tough as any other pirate. She has tattoo on her upper left arm ([i]as pictured[/i]). [b][color=bc8dbf]Attire:[/color][/b] Yara's [url=http://i.imgur.com/yJ5QePU.png]wardrobe[/url] consists of quite a bit of lace, ruffles, corset belts, and black fabrics. Needless to say she dresses like a typical pirate, though on the more modest side of the the spectrum. Showing off massive amounts of cleavage, and wearing tiny short skirts is not her cup of tea. She hates wearing stocking and shoes, so most of the time she goes barefoot. When she is not wearing pants, her go to dresses and skirts are usually knee length. [b][color=bc8dbf]Personality:[/color][/b] Most of the time Yara can come off as dispassionate. Do to her history she has learned to put up a wall between people, and her true self. She puts on a confident, and uncaring attitude as a way of making sure no one can hurt her. She has also become a tad more cynical then your average girl, do to the many betrayals, and hardships in her past. Her wall comes down when inebriated, but otherwise she tries to remain as stoical, and relaxed as possible. She is capable of being utterly ruthless against those who mess with her or her loved ones. She is truthfully the most loyal person you'll ever meet...as long as she considers you a friend. Yara is someone who is suspicious of others, and unforgiving towards those who wrong her. By unforgiving I also mean vengeful, so basically you don't want to mess with her...then again it's actually kind of hard to get on her bad side. She takes peoples bullshit in stride, and basically ignores idiots. Count yourself lucky if Yara chooses to be her genuine self around you. [b][color=bc8dbf]Weapons & Equipment:[/color][/b] Daggers - A pair made of white iron [b][u]Medical Kit[/u][/b] -- Surgical Tools -- Bone Saw -- Tourniquet -- Bandage Rolls -- Hydrogen Peroxide -- Tweezers -- Scissors -- Sutures/Needle -- Gauze [b][color=bc8dbf]Shard Ability:[/color][/b] Electrokinesis- She can generate raw electric energy, which she can with proper training, control at will for various purposes. At the moment she is basically a human taser. [b][color=bc8dbf]Brief History:[/color][/b] Her mother, Olinda, was the pretty young lady from Verdante, who worked as a silk weaver. Yara's father, Jiminy, was a pirate for the lesser known captain Rockwell of the ship 'Drakon'. Yara was born in the middle of the Kiryan, only six months after the young couple married. She was a sweet little baby, with her mothers green eyes, and her fathers black hair. The first few years of her life were spent in Rexa, a small Wandering Island. Her father became a dock worker for a short time after she was born, trying to be a family man and good husband. But once a pirate always a pirate, so when Yara was two years old her father went back to his swashbuckling ways. Every few months he would come home with stories about his adventures, and he would bring home presents for her. Unfortunately when Yara was five years old, her mother died giving birth to a stillborn, and Yara was left in the care of the local midwife, until her father sailed home. A month later he arrived, distraught about his wife's death, and having no idea what to do with little Yara. No one was willing to take her in, and Jiminy refused to sell her off or place her into an orphanage. Thankfully with a little negotiating and a few bribes his captain agreed that Yara could come aboard and stay on the ship. It quickly became apparent that a pirate ship was no place to raise a little girl. Though the crew had grown fond of her, it was extremely unsafe for a child. To many close calls with bullets buzzing by and steel swords hacking away. Four months later Jiminy left Yara in the care of an old friend, none other then Immortal Archivist Cagen. Cagen was already raising a young boy named Fletcher, so one more child couldn't hurt. Yara excelled under his guidance, and Fletcher became like an older brother to her. Anytime she was scared during a thunder storm she would sneak into Fletcher's room, and he would let her crawl into his bed. Two years past and sadly when she was eight years old Fletcher left to see the world, and shortly after news of her fathers death came. Five months later her aunt Zendra showed up looking to claim Yara, and take her home with her. Cagen had tried to reason with the woman, but in the end the stubborn witch would not take no as and answer. Yara left with Zendra, and cried herself to sleep every night the whole journey to her aunts place in The Broken Spires. Life was very different for the eight year old Yara. Her aunt was the madam of a brothel, and Yara spent most of her day cleaning, and cooking, for the prostitutes that lived there. Nights where spent handing out drinks to clients, and keeping the illegitimate toddlers occupied in the basement. She was ten years old when her aunt sold her virginity off to the highest bidder. Yara had hit, kick, and scratched hard enough to draw blood, but the real kicker was she had bitten the bastards ear off. Afterwards Zendra had her flogged for injuring the customer who purchased her for the night. Then she told Yara that she was old enough to earn her keep, and expected her to smile from now on. Yara ran away two weeks later, and at the age of 10 she was on her own. She stowed away on a ship that was heading to New Haven. Three days into the voyage she was caught. Half the crew wanted to though her off the ship into the ocean, and the other half had no opinion on the matter. Benji, the ships medic came to Yara's defense, saying he needed an assistant anyway, and that tossing her overboard would be a waist of free labor. The captain reluctantly agreed, and Yara spent the rest of the voyage swabbing the deck, doing laundry, and peeling potatoes. By the end of the three month trip across the sea, she had become the little mascot of the ship. After docking in New Haven, Yara didn't really know what to do with herself. Benji took her under his wing as a assistant, and she joined him on board a sky ship he had contracted with. She learned how to fight with daggers, and how to handle a gun. Benji taught her how to get bullets out of people, amputate limbs, and sew up wounds. She was thirteen when Benji's drinking got out of hand, and she spent more nights cleaning up his vomit then anything else. He got fired, and no one would higher him since he became a drunken liability...That is nobody but pirates. Yara was able to find Benji a position on a rickety old ship, little did she know the crew was not made up of the most loyal and friendly people. Two weeks into the journey, there was a mutiny and the captain is killed. Dwaine the cook took over as acting captain, and anyone who went against him ended up dead or locked in the brig. Benji unfortunately couldn't keep his drunk mouth shut, and Dwaine shot him in the head. Thus Yara ended up in the brig, and is told she will be sold off somewhere. Weeks later, they finally docked, and Dwaine sent his goons to sell Yara on the black market in the city. hhsrttjrjrj.....ethe.h.h. WIP [b][color=bc8dbf]Relationships:[/color][/b] [/hider] [/quote] I will finally be done with it today! But I need a nap at the moment. Anyway for those of you planing out relationships PM your ideas/hopes. FYI Yara has been apart of the crew for three years now.