[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/mq3ylMP.jpg[/img] [/center] “Jesus -FUCKING- Christ, Nyxie!” Draper stood frozen in place behind the bar, his mouth hanging open “You can’t just waltz in here and start blasting chinks!” “It was self-defense.” Nyxvira said in the least convincing tone ever conceived, as she bent down and began to rummage through the corpse that Wei Jun had shot through the neck. “What on God’s green earth are you doin’, girl?” Draper squawked, his face flushing bright red. “Looking for whatever this fine gentleman got shot over.” Nyxvira explained, sticking her hand in every pocket she could find. “Gods and demons…” the barkeeper muttered “You trying to put a target on your head, or somethin’?” “Trying to get out of this shit hole.” She replied, slipping one plump hand into the corpse’s jacket. “Fucking limey…” Draper said with a groan. “Aha! Nyxie shot up a few moments later, her hand clutching a small clump of scrunched up paper. “Oh, that was totally worth shooting someone over.” The barman scowled. Nyxie unfolded the note, her glimmering gold eyes darting over the words that were sketched on it. [b][center] [i] 12 Majesty’s Lane Tranquil Valley [/i] [/center] [/b] “I don’t want you comin’ round here no more, Bloodbloom!” Draper yelled shakily, his eyes darting frantically back and forth, and his forehead damp with sweat. “You’re bad news. Pack up your shit, and get the fuck out of here.” “Works for me.” Nyxie mumbled, gazing down at the piece of paper which she clutched in her hands. [hr] The cab slowly pulled up outside of Majesty’s Lane, stopping in front of a stoic house of columns and gleaming white brick. Nyxvira handed the cabbie his cash, before hopping out of the taxi, her scavenged note resting in her jacket pocket. She held a suitcase in one hand, stuffed full of what few possessions she had left. The Faerie made her way down to the twelfth house, the wheels of her suitcase grinding against the hard stone sidewalk. The house had a great big door, painted bright crimson, with a golden twelve placed at its centre. No sooner had Nyxvira approached the door, then it cracked cautiously open, revealing a stern-faced Chinese man standing in the doorway, his finer features obscured by the veil of shadows which fell down upon him. “You are not Wei Jun.” The man snarled, fixing Nyxie with a hard stare. Without having to check, the Faerie was almost certain the doorman had some kind of weapon on him. [i]Play this one carefully, dumb-fuck[/i] she scolded herself. [i] You won’t get a second chance.[/i] “There was a complication.” Nyxie said, as calmly as she could manage “Old Feng sent me, instead.” “We don’t use Faeries.” The doorman said with a scowl. “That’s exactly why he sent me.” Nyxie shot back. The doorman paused for a long while, never taking his eyes off of Nyxvira. “I find out you not supposed to be here; you die.” He said firmly, as he moved slowly backwards out of the doorway. [i] Thank fuck.[/i] Nyxie breathed an inward sigh of relief. The Faerie made her way inside of the house, resting her suitcase against an umbrella stand. The house was as ritzy and well-furnished as one might expect of a place in Tranquil Valley. A staircase of polished marble led to the second floor, exquisite oil paintings hung on the wall, and a chandelier made from twinkling glass shards was suspended from the ceiling. [i] Sure beats Draper's.[/i] “Tao Yin will want talk to you.” Said the doorman. Now that he was out of the shadows, Nyxie could better make out the man, who wore a dark suit of a similar cut to Wei Jun. The doorman led Nyxie down the font corridor, passed the marble staircase, and into a well furnished kitchen, with a tiled floor and blue painted cabinets. Sitting at the kitchen table was a man with bronze skin, slender eyes, and a face like a withered skull. “It always amazes me that American women can be so fat,” the man said, as he gave Nyxie the once over, the tug of a smile playing at the corner of his dark lips “is exercise a foreign concept here?” “I’m english.” Nyxvira said plainly, trying her best not to flinch. “You’re no better than negros,” Tao Yin frowned “Yet Old Feng would have me deal with you, all the same.” Tao Yin sighed, before casting a glance over to the doorman. “Líkāi wǒ.” He called over to him. The doorman bowed his head, and quickly left the two to their discussion. “I do not trust you, englishwoman.” Tao Yin declared “The Hanged Men and the Italians are on the hunt, and every day they draw closer and closer to finding me. I prefer to treat with those of my own race, but it seems in this instance I have no alternative.” “What do you want from me?” Nyxie asked calmly. “Wei Jen was tasked with getting me safe passage out of Santa Somabra, but it seems he has become incapacitated. Complete the task that was assigned to him, and Old Feng will compensate you for your troubles.” Nyxie shrugged her big shoulders. “Consider it done.” [hr] Ralph Cisteronni was sitting behind his desk when he got the call from Nyxvira Bloodbloom, his suit jacket hanging on the back of his chair, and his sleeves rolled up around his arms. “I’m a busy man, Miss Bloodbloom,” Cisteronni grumbled down the phone “this had better be worth my time.” “I’m pretty sure you’ll be interested in what I’m selling.” The Faerie’s voice crackled down the phone line. “I suppose there’s a first time for everything,” he smirked “what [b]are[/b] you selling exactly?” Cisteronni could hear the grin in Nyxvira’s voice when she spoke. “I heard you guys are looking for one [i]Tao Yin[/i].”