Eli walked briskly down the corridor ladened with boxes of cables and wires of all different sizes, lengths and even age; Eli was certain one or two were older than she was given how big the connectors were. She grimaced at another cable snaking its way from its place, ignoring her pleas for it to stop, and landed with a heavy thud on the floor. Luckily enough Lutana was on the case and plucked the cable up in his mouth, along with the other cables that had been dropped further back, trotting along after Eli. Eli mouthed ‘thank you’ to her Umbreon feeling very glad that she had decided to let him out of his pokeball. Although it seemed that pretty much everyone had their pokemon out as well to lend a hand with all the jobs that needed to be done, Eli had thought that all the preparation work would’ve been done before the opening but evidence proved otherwise. The corridor branched in two directions at the end and here Eli stopped trying to figure out which way she had to go. “Recording Booths…where are the recording booths.” She mumbled under her breath. “Maybe I should go to the offices first?” She didn’t know which way that was either. She decided that she give it a minute or two, to see if anyone who knew their way around the building appeared, before trying to head off on her own. After the building didn't look to be that big outside, so she couldn't get too lost.