‘Sidney’ didn’t get a chance to finish her sentence, as Gaia’s hand shot out and clapped over the girl’s mouth. “Whatever it is, it can wait two minutes. Now be quiet.” the sound engineer said, her brow furrowed. She cocked her head slightly. There was something there that shouldn’t have been there. “Where the hell is that static coming from?” she muttered, touching and adjusting sliders across the board, though it brought about no change. A low, constant hiss came through the speakers, not loud enough to obscure anything, but still enough to be noticeable. “Who the hell are you people?” Gaia barely spared a glance at the older man at the door, still focused on the sound board. “I work here, what’s your excuse?” She gritted her teeth. Still, the static was unchanging. “Why the hell isn’t this~” She stopped as sliders began to move seemingly by themselves. “What the,” an exasperated sigh escaped Gaia’s lips, and she leaned on the board, glowering. “Very funny. Get out of there.” The sliders moved again, forming an approximation of a smiling face. Gaia’s glower became more severe. [b]”NOW.”[/b] Electricity crackled across the soundboard, and a bolt of blue lightning shot out of it, zipping over the heads of everyone in the room and out into the hallway. Pushing past the man blocking the door, Gaia hollered. “Whoever has a Rotom, keep it out of the sound equipment! I don’t want a short circuit in the middle of a broadcast!” Shaking her head, she plopped back down into her chair. “People.” Looking up into the booth at Josh, she rubbed her forehead. “Just, talk, Josh. I don’t care about what, I just need to establish some base settings.” Recalling that someone else had talked to her, Gaia turned to the cute redhead standing beside her, eye flicking over her outfit. “Who are you again?” Her tone was equal parts tired, confused, and curious, mixed with slight irritation. Her job was sound, not dealing with people. [@PatrickDrummer][@Bourgeoisie][@Rune_Alchemist]