[@Keksalot] But, you're missing the part where I'm saying it's incredible overpowered. Let's put this in perspective for you: he essentially has biokinesis (Can control all aspects of the human body), can control people (which is a banned power), reanimate the dead, generate bioelectricity, control metahuman energy such as taking away powers, enhancing them, and giving them to unpowered people (Which goes into a whole new powerset altogether), he can make himself immune to contaminants, impervious to pain, give himself super strength, and super durability, faster than light reflexes, can produce poisons/drugs/etc and has a last resort super poison that will kill everyone in the city (Which is a big no). The other characters can control glass, turn intangible, teleport, etc. You've essentially given him every form of superpower out there, and a lot of these abilities would be strong enough on their own. Even under the idea that he has a perfect understanding of science; how is he able to do any of this? Understanding science, and preforming the feats that you have listed, are two separate things. Because a lot of these aren't "understanding" anything, they're just superpowers. Even if he needs "time and equipment," that honestly isn't a major weakness at all - it's a limit (Not even a good one - let's be real here, when will that ever come into play...?). I already got a few complaints from the other players about how it's super OP. Just give some of the other characters a look if you want an idea of the powerlevel.