[h3][center][color=ed145b]~Sidney Garland~[/color][/center][/h3] [@Thundercrash] [@PatrickDrummer] [@Bourgeoisie] [@Cinderella Man] [hr] Before Sidney could even get her flirtations done, a hand was shoved over her mouth, silencing her. She blinked, a bit surprised by the action. Now, there weren't many things that could stop Sidney's mouth from running, but a hand from a cute girl being placed on her mouth was one of the many things that could do such a thing. The redhead chuckled to herself quietly. Well, she hadn't exactly said no, so that was permission to continue as far as she cared. [color=aba000]"Who the hell are you people?"[/color] Ignoring the mans question for now, she instead focused back on the girl, and on the guy who had apparently been helping her with something. [b]"I'm Joshua or Josh for short, I'm basically the errand boy for this place. Who are you?"[/b] He answered the older man. Well, she might as well introduce herself again now. [b]“Who are you again?"[/b] Especially since she was being asked a question by the current target of her flirtations. She sounded stressed. She wondered if she could possibly help with that in some manner?~ [color=ed145b]"Hehe, well someone takes their job seriously. How about I take ya out somewhere after this so you can relax?~"[/color] She gave Gaia a somewhat suggestive smirk, making it very clear what she might have meant by that. Now, whether she truthfully meant it or not was an entirely different story, and before Gaia could respond though, she quickly turned back to the gathered group, a big grin on her face as she addressed [i]everyone[/i] gathered. Placing a hand on her hip and giving them the best smile she could muster, she introduced herself once again. [color=ed145b]"Hiya, folks!~"[/color] She cheerily replied to the gathered group. [color=ed145b]"Sidney Garland, at your service! Radio host, information gatherer extraordinaire, amateur writer and your new best friend!"[/color] She chuckled a bit at that, giving Joshua a wink before clearing her throat, becoming just about as serious as she ever was. [color=ed145b]"I'm working here starting today. I'm supposed to be hosting a talk show of some sorts in this room, and as much fun as it would be to have an audience for the show, I think I'd better start off a bit small, yeah? Don't want any interruptions when I'm wooing the audience with my adorable voice. So if you don't have any business here, if you could all do me a favor and leave for a bit, that'd be lovely, thank you~! I'll treat you all to dinner sometime, yeah?~"[/color] Certain that would be enough to get them to leave, she then turned back to Gaia. [color=ed145b]"Hehe, sorry about that, but I wanna get this show on the road sooner rather than later."[/color] She took a look over at the controls the other woman was messing with. It was rather obvious she was a sound engineer of sorts, so chances were she should probably at least get in good with her if she wanted to do good here. [color=ed145b]"Anyways, I'm certain a lovely girl like you has an equally lovely name?~"[/color] terrible pickup line number two initiated. Actually, that was three. Damn it, she was on a roll here~