Caractacus took two steps back from the table. He had only assumed this armored individual was his contact, and made neutral contact. Suddenly he found himself joined by two others. The jester, and another newcomer, a Koraim. Today truly was a day of oddities. Despite his wish to study the horned human closer, he was worried he may have set the both of them on a complete stranger who had nothing to do with the contract. Caractacus did not want to stick around if he turned out to be wrong in his initial assumption, and he may have caused offense to the sitting elf. Still, he couldn't give up after a moment of doubt. He'd have to make an inquiry. [color=dimgray]"I'm uh, s-sorry, you [b]are[/b] M-Morro Aramat-to, correct? I d-don't have the, aheh, wrong person, right?"[/color] A wave of regret washed over him after Caractacus spoke. Know that he was aware of it, he could feel he was making a poor impression. He took another step back in apprehension.