[quote=@Lauder] [@LordZell] US troops actually did pretty badly in the beginning of the European Front, it may have been North Africa though it is hard to recall, they had severely lost their first battle as they were not hardened by war. Not to mention, it was actually the Russians that saved Europe, them doing quite the number on German troops. [@RisenDead] Please don't leave. [/quote] So much wrong with this. 1st us battle in africa was fail for USA. British commanders and obsolete weapons along side ill prepared soldiers made for fail. Once generals like Patton showed up, things went different as American generals played to America strengths. 2nd, Russia nearly lost. Hitler was on moscows doorstep. Hitler made the mistake of not building long range bombers which allowed Russia to move its factories from the existing bombers range. One thing to think of though, America supplied Russia with shit tons of trucks allowing Russia to not only focus on massing tanks but gave Russia the ability to move men and supplies at a far greater and more effective rate. 3, not sure if people realize this but stalin was more or less demanding a second front as Germany was still an effective force in Europe. It took American bombers pounding germany's industry to hell to slow them down. No refineries for oil, no factories to build more tanks. 4, when USA/britain entered France, they fought heavy ss units and struggled at times. Imagine all those tanks and infantry focused on the eastern front than the west. Summary, Russia may or may not have won on its own but in no way were they doing quite the number, Russia lost some 9 mil to Germany alone while Germany lost like 5mil to three major nations. Sure there were battles like Kursk that Germany failed tank to tank. Germany woulda had more tanks but it had to use resources elsewhere and all the while b17's were fisting Hitler's industry (albeit at great cost.) Russia was primarily fighting one front, Germany was fighting 3. Russian, france and Italian fronts. So yeah, it was the allies that saved Europe, not USA, not Russia, not Britain, it was the allies, all played equally important roles and all fought together to whoop Hitler's ass. People read your history! Anyways, I'd like India if possible.