She had agreed to go back to the mansion when he'd asked that day, and she'd had every intention of going the next day. Unfortunately, work got busy and with all of the animals adopted out, there wasn't much need for her at the clinic. The fact that it even happened still blew her mind. She couldn't figure out how he'd done it. But he had. He'd made her wish come true. Well, that one anyway. It was around four that afternoon when she arrived, pulling up to the mansion out of sheer memory. She was nervous for some reason. There were so many unanswered questions she had. And there was probably going to be a lot more before the day was over. She got out of her car, standing by the door as she looked up at the mansion. She'd been so lost in thought that she hadn't noticed whether or not anyone was outside. Of course, it was her day off, so she was dressed much differently this time than she had been when she first met Curt. A simple pair of cuffed denim shorts hugged her hips and legs, paired with black heels and a red, short sleeved crop top. Her hair was pulled into a pony tail and she had make up on. She wasn't even sure why she'd done that. It wasn't like she was there for a date. It was just instinct. Something that told her she needed to be presentable. The sound of a dog barking drew her attention, causing her to come out of her thoughts. She looked just in time to be run over by Kima and fall against the side of her car, laughing as she tried to get him to stop licking at her and pouncing on her. "Hey! Knock it off, Kima. It's good to see you too." She giggled.