[@Rocketman]That's the thing it's not a normal emotional desire. It comes up every June. What is June? Gay Pride Month. It's a direct response to the concept that other people are getting attention that is being perceived as 'special'. Rather than necessary, or perhaps even just a decent thing to do considering the very checkered history society has with the LGBTQ+ community. You're being largely obtuse if you think it's somehow desirable to be in a position where having to have our own month and parades is even necessary in the first place. I would absolutely [i]love[/i] it if Gay Pride Month was unnecessary. I would love if we were at a point in the world, or hell were never at a point to begin with, that pride parades and chants and a whole culture of strength weren't necessary. There is nothing that would make me happier than if I would walk through the world like a straight person. I know what it's like. I remember what it's like when I was 13 and didn't realize the truth. I could even potentially keep that feeling of walking through the world like a heterosexual because unless I say something [i]most people assume I'm heterosexual anyway[/i]. But it's for that exact reason we need these things. In case you haven't noticed the concept of 'coming out' is such a painfully goddamn heterosexual thing because unless you say otherwise [i]you might as well be heterosexual[/i]. We have everything to be prideful about. Being out. Being alive. Surviving. Living. Not letting society drag us down. Creating an entire culture of our own within a world that wanted us to go the fuck away. To be entirely frank, heterosexual people do not have anything to be prideful about. They don't have anything specifically successful as a community to say 'This is what we did.' Because heterosexual people have never had to face adversity for the pure fact they are heterosexual. You guys have had the world handed to you on the silver platter, when it comes to sexual orientation.