[color=00a651][u][center] Quinx Squad[/center][/u][/color] [hider= The Captain] N/A [/hider] [color=00a651][u][center] ~ ~ ~[/center][/u][/color] [hider=The Vice Captain] N/A [/hider] [color=00a651][u][center] ~ ~ ~[/center][/u][/color] [hider=Lead Nurse] N/A [/hider] [color=00a651][u][center] ~ ~ ~[/center][/u][/color] [hider=Soldiers] [hider=Emi] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/da/bb/93/dabb9338cd00dbc254c5694a3051dc2d.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Name:: [/b]Emiru Ayame [b]Alias::[/b] Emi [b]Personality::[/b] Emi is an incredibly kind human, at least too other humans. She is literally the person too give you her last cent if it meant she could help someone. However, this kindness isn’t given too ghouls, or people she even [i]slightly[/i] suspects as being a ghoul. Ghoul’s were murderers. She read stories of ghouls eating fresh corpses, they blamed it on their nature. But man had tamed beast, ghouls had just been beast. Beasts she had too slaughter, if not her who else? Besides for her hatred for the majority of Ghouls, Emiru is a hopeful romantic, not too mention just a hopeful woman in general. For some reason, Emiru still believes that they will win. Despite loosing almost the entire ccg, besides a few scientist and Q-squad. She believed that even though Sage is trying too conquer the city, and he some how successfully took out the CCG in only one night, a part of her believed that there were far more surviving members of the CCG than she knew of. She had too, if she didn’t then the fight would be futile, and everyone she knew, everyone she trusted were murdered for not reason, they fought for nothing- and she simply can’t believe that. She refuses too give up, she’d fight for humanity, for the Qsquad- her friends, even if it meant too her last breath. Emi loves staying outside, the sunny days are her favorite days, you know when the skies are blue and there are cumulus clouds lazily floating in the horizon; the fluffy, big kind that would occasionally ride on the breeze and cover the sun- yes, those days. Most of the days she tends too just be scouting about, looking for ghouls too kill, after all they were all murderers by default.. even this Time Hound the Q-squad seemed too leave alive. She would refuse too admit the two groups had been working together, after all even though The Time Hound had been starving herself, it would only be a matter of time before she because true too her nature. She didn’t like it even more, the whole group. They hide behind masks, and won’t even tell the Q-squad their names, besides the little pet names they claimed for their selves. If the young Q-squad member isn't on patrol, she can either be seen training, playing video games at the local arcade, or enjoying her time with other members of the Q-squad, even if they found her upbeat personality annoying. They were family, and the only family she had left now- her original family had been slaughtered by a ghoul- and she knows it in the deepest feeling that the beast will show it's face with Sage... she just had a feeling, or perhaps that was just her hoping again. [b]History:: [/b] Emi had been apart of a large family, she had been a middle child, with three older brothers and a younger sister. Both of her parents had been full time workers, leaving her eldest brother Kuma too take care of her siblings and herself. Emi had strive too be the best student, and also tried too help Kuma with her younger sister; her two other brothers had been focused on sports. Emi herself had even been apart of quiet a handful of sports: softball, volleyball and track. Growing up she was terrified of the thought of ghouls, and for a good reason. She’ll never forget when it happened; her family had rarely spent time together, all together it happened mainly on holidays and she cherished those holiday nights. It was christmas, her mother had just finished dinner when the monster had come. Her brother Kei had been incredibly late, but her parents had just shrugged it off that he was playing out later, enjoying his christmas break. When the door would creep open and when they’d see him stumble in they were all excited, however it would turn into terror as his form would fall dead too the floor. A ghoul in a hood would come behind him, he had devoured her brother and now the monster had been in her home. It would attack her parents first, as her brother tried too get her and her siblings too safety. However, she had been the only one who got away. Her brothers and sister, devoured. She didn’t know why, but she did the only thing she knew she could do, she ran. She ran for an entire day before the police had picked her up, after she told them the official story and then she had been placed under the protection of her Aunt. Her Aunt had been a member of the CCG and was the only reason why Emi had been well informed on her family’s case. They would eventually close the case, and mark it as unsolved. She would dedicate her life too joining the CCG after her aunt and finding who murdered her family. Given her athletic tone, and her fast reflexes she was accepted immediately- of course having an Aunt in the CCG also helped her out. She had been known as the youngest member of the CCG and she was good despite the fact she had been so young. With her skills she had quickly gained her position in the Q-squad. The lost of the CCG has put her in quiet a mood, it took her a long time too even find the rest of the Squad, a part of her didn’t even want too find the squad, if they were alive it meant those American ghouls would hunt them. She wouldn’t let the invasion of the American Ghouls stop her however, she would find the man who murdered her family, stop the ghouls and keep the rest of the Squad alive. Not for herself, but for the innocent humans of Tokyo. [b]Affiliation::[/b] Q-Squad [b]Weapon::[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/c6/36/38/c63638ddef22aa59079236a6029013c9.jpg[/img] [b]Quinque Ability:: [/b] Emiru’s blade is known as Dokusei Masuta, she decided too keep the name of the ghoul she stole it from. DokMas for short, or Doku/Masu, is a colorful sword, The hilt of the blade is a neon green, and small barbs stick out from Doku. Doku acts on Emi’s will, and for this too happen Doku must have a little bit of Emi’s blood, essentially Doku is becoming an extension of herself, another arm. The green in Masu isn’t the only colorful part of it, even the slumbering form of it has a light blue shade too it, that only glows brightly once she awakens Doku too it’s true potential. It becomes more whip like, fluid and even if it doesn’t hit it’s target, it tends too almost “bounce” off of object it can’t penetrate, all while Emi maintains control of it. Doku can easily cut through any low level ghoul with ease, however if a creature does survive an attack from Doku, and they were cut, by Doku even the slightest cut. They will find a complete and total paralysis of their afflicted body part. The venom however isn’t permanent, and is used mainly too stop a Ghoul from using it’s Kagune. The affect normally lasts about an hour (two full posting rotations. [b]Example: If Emi starts the thread, and there’s three people too post, it would be. Emi player 1 player 2 Player 3 -Emi poisons Player two in the arm; their arm becomes subject of the numbing agent. Emit P1 p2-still numb- p3 Emi p1 p2-still numb- p3 Emi p1 p2 =feeling would return= p3 [/b] ) If they happen too be very unlucky, each cut or gash will add another two rotations on a specific limb, it’ll typically be the Kagune, then that’s another two rotations. [/hider]