Being one of the few gods who had taken a particular interest in earth, he was in a green t-shirt with dark blue jeans and black shoes as he played with the dogs outside. So focused on his play time as he pulled the ball from Juna’s tiny mouth, he didn’t realize a car had pulled up. Finally getting the ball, he followed the bounding puppy towards the noise and gave a bright dazzling smile to Alyssa. Getting to her, he reached down and grabbed Kima’s collar gently pulling the dog off of her. “Well hello from all three of us.” He said with a chuckle as he helped her to her feet. “Thanks for coming. I hope you had a good few days.” They proceeded with light happy conversation as he led her around the back throwing the ball as they went. “Please, have a seat.” He said gesturing to the nice bench that awaited them in the back yard before the dogs went off and played together. “So… I hate to change this subject so dramatically but you said that you would help those in need, even if the situation seemed difficult because you’re not one to give up right?” When she responded he took a deep breathe. Leaning forward he placed his elbows on his knees and folded his hands together. During their time apart, the gods learned that they weren’t able to use their abilities except for when Curt was with her. He tried without her but with no luck. That’s when he learned just how important she actually was. “I, and others like me, they’re in the house, need your help. You… you saw what I did to the flower, and you thought I was awesome when the television crew showed up. But I’m not awesome, I need your help. What I’m about to ask you will be a lot for you to take in, and even more to understand… but…” He let out a shaky sigh, finally raising his deep brown gaze to look up at her. “there is literally nowhere else we can turn. Will you at least hear me out?”