[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Roxanne%20Debose&name=GesseleRegular.ttf&size=70&style_color=DED06A[/img] [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/6a8d7250fe50aef352cc4b5d2c0bb202/tumblr_mpug2zrTWT1r2nm99o1_400.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Village Coffee → Her apartment → Music Store → Village Coffee [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Everyone at Village Coffee[/center][hr][indent][indent]Her shift was coming to a close and thankfully just in time as Reed entered the premises, along with Ryan. She ran up to Ryan and hugged him, completely ignoring Reed's existence and escorting Ryan over to the group of friends. It was a big burn towards Reed but it didn't matter right about now. To her anyway. She took off her apron and threw it in the designated area then clocked out. [color=ded16d][b]"Alright, lovelies."[/b][/color] She hugged almost everyone but if she didn't hug someone, she waved at them. [color=ded16a][b]"Make sure you guys are here on time. Wouldn't want to miss me singing, am I right?"[/b][/color] Roxanne winked while turning heel and walking out of Village Coffee now as she walked back to the apartment. With Ryan gone, she had plenty of time to think about what to wear and had the whole restroom to herself without having Ryan rushing her. Her phone buzzed within her purse as she pulled it out and saw the group message from Ida. [center][b]To: The Peepulation :D [color=ded16a]Girl, yes. We're all going to be there! Come early though![/color][/b][/center] Roxanne sent the message as she made it to Times Square Apartments, walking through the lobby, seeing Mister Black there. She rolled her eyes away from his presence as she quickly scurried over towards the elevator, getting on it and hitting the fifth floor button. She made it to her apartment and threw her things down at the stand right beside the door. She had went over to her room and stood at the closet for almost fifteen minutes, trying to see what to wear. Since Zay mentioned that she was singing something bluesy, she got a blue dress that fully sleeved on one side and the other side didn't have any sleeves at all. She went to shower and everything then sat down at her vanity mirror set while applying light dabs of makeup upon her face. She then got dressed and placed on her heels while grabbing her blue clutch purse. While exiting her room, she made sure she had everything before continuing her walk down to the elevator that eventually made it downstairs. While she still had a few minutes to kill, Roxie caught a taxi to the nearest music store, wanting to pick out a song to sing. She felt like the world, well, the whole world of Village Coffee wasn't ready to hear her original songs just yet plus she didn't have anything blues worthy. Roxanne flipped through various music books then suddenly came across the perfect song. She squealed while sitting in a nearby corner, looking it up on YouTube and putting in her headphones while trying to learn with the minimum time she has. As the sun was setting, she was walking out of the music store after buying the cassette tape and catching another taxi but this time towards Village Coffee. From a distance, her eyes saw the people that were standing outside as the nerves kicked in already. She chuckled nervously at the crowd before walking into the cafe now. She went over towards Melissa, who was working that night along with a few other people. [color=ded16d][b]"Girl, this event is going to be epic."[/b][/color] She said while sitting her purse close to the stage then walked back over towards the door, letting the crowd in. After everyone settled in, her friends had arrived and she was pleased within herself, Roxanne cleared her throat while walking up on the stage and staring out into the crowd, as they quieted down. [color=ded16d][b]"Alright, everyone. How's everyone doing tonight?"[/b][/color] The crowd cheered and she heard most of their replies. [color=ded16a][b]"Well, before my girl, Zay comes up here and slays the stage, I'd like to get the crowd going with the sort of setting she is going for tonight."[/b][/color] With those words said and a few mutters from the crowd below her while nodding her towards the person that was there to start up the music. As the [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9m--7ym9I8]song[/url] started up, she swayed a little bit to the beat then held the microphone while really getting into the music. She held out the last note as long as it needed it then opened up her closed eyes as she stared out to the crowd. Most people were shocked and didn't even know that Roxanne had that type of voice, others cheered her on as she smiled and giggled into the microphone. [color=ded16a][b]"And now, everyone, Miss Zahra "Zay" Heaven."[/b][/color] She introduced her while applauding her and giving her a hug when she came on the stage, whispering. "You owe me." She said while breaking the hug and walking off the stage now. Roxanne walked over to the counter, leaning on it as she asked Melissa for some water. She squinted her eyes over the crowd and saw her friends, waving her hand for them to come over there towards her even though most of them already were. Roxanne was out of breath from the moment as she took a small sip from her water and looked at her oncoming friends.[/indent][/indent]