Seraphine nodded at her last member, moving toward the door and looking over her shoulder at Lucius and Petra. "I'm going to call the council to order and began. Petra you will sit to the left of me at the triangular table and Lucius do make yourself comfortable, pet." She left without another word, her long raven's hair dancing upon her shoulders and back as people began to pour through the large ornate doors that held the council meeting. The Museum curator an old friend of hers and someone she had moved to her side many years ago when he was simply a boy trying to step into his father's heritage of performing the tasks of maintaining history as his father had done before him and his father before him. They'd been using this very room for almost forty years, the hunters not yet having caught wind of it, but their time was coming, of that she was assured. The witching hour had arrived and Seraphine stepped up to the table, her hands lifting into the air as she cleared her throat and a hush fell over the room. Several of her male attendants opened the doors of the waiting rooms and invited both the wolves and the demons to join them. "We will begin very shortly now, please do come and take your seats. The night grows long and I know that we have two nights of deliberations and discussions, so let us began tonight and tomorrow night we will finish up early and hold a small gathering for those of us who wish to mingle and visit to do just that." She waited until Petra, the wolves and demons had taken their seats and their leaders were at the table to began her part as prefect of the council. The air about her stirred with mixed emotions and yet she held nothing but a sense of calm and ownership. They had survived for centuries without cooperation from one another and this would be no different if things were to digress into meaningless bickering and aggressive agitation. She would simple disband the council and ignore the fact that the demons or the wolves exists. Save for Felix she cared not for any of them anyway. Speaking of... she looked to the chair where her beloved should sit, her eyes narrowing a bit as she realized something wasn't entirely as it appeared. "We will began as we always do... with introductions. I am Council Prefect. My name is Seraphine Iscariot and I am the first of my kind. I expect us to discuss both the idea of the hunters rising again and the inner species fighting between the demons and my people in the belly of Africa. Please, share your name and what you desire to discuss over this winter meeting." She sat down having taken her turn, the other members of the council still standing until they too spoke. The rest of the room sat in an eerie silence, something hanging heavy among the wolves but she simply couldn't place what it might be, though felt quite sure it related to their missing Alpha.