[center][h1]Balian Hyland[/h1] [img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/64cbc92e6288356825880dbb5ab7a9db/tumblr_n0j21eOjlK1sacmxbo1_500.gif[/img] [sub][i]The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.[/i][/sub][/center] [center][i][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AB6sOhQan9Y]theme[/url] [/i][/center] Name: [indent]Balian Hyland[/indent] Age: [indent]21[/indent] Gender: [indent]Male[/indent] Sexuality: [indent]Hetrosexual[/indent] Origins: [indent]Mount Promonon[/indent] Residence: [indent]Mount Promnon keep[/indent] [center][img]http://static.tumblr.com/212b81676d312c65a10024562fee56ec/jfxctc3/yUTnhn7jk/tumblr_static_6hokam3fe8owoc0cswoo0ckwk.gif[/img][/center] [center]+Aspiring -Compulsive +Honorable -Aggressive [/center] Personality: [indent]Balian is a fair and kind to his people. But strongly believes in handing out justice when it is needed. Unlike some nobles he's not afraid to give praise when it's due. He's very honor bound and tries to stick to his word. On the battlefield Balian is able to lead his troops effectively. Very ferocious fighter Believes in the old ways, eye for an eye type of person. Extremely loyal to his family.[/indent] Role & Career: [indent]2nd oldest son in the Hyland family Leader of the Mountain Walkers[/indent] Hobbies & Interests: [indent]Swordplay Reading The Old Ways and Old Gods Chess The Philosophy of war[/indent] Likes & Dislikes: [indent]Likes: Archery Ale Sword fighting Loyalty. Strength and Honesty Dislikes: Dishonesty Traitors Politics[/indent] Other: [indent]The Mountain Walkers: they are a group of expertly trained warriors. Trained in guerilla warfare.They are known for using tactics most would call cowardly and not true warriors. The men that are a part of the Mountain Walkers are fiercely loyal House Hyland. They have a small keep in a hidden cave in in the mountain. They have [url=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-JObXdXqC4Jo/UsQ05zv-ZaI/AAAAAAAAA34/Sc-ohCYNefQ/s1600/310_max.jpg]armor[/url] specially made for them. [/indent] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/11/06/19/11061905bdc2433f595153c6d5e16a78.jpg[/img][/center] Family: [indent]The Hyland family[/indent] Biography: [indent]Balian is the second oldest son in the Hyland family. As a young child his father had him trained in the ways of being a lord and a warrior. It was later found out that he wasn't suited to be a head of the family. Instead it was decided he would be a warrior. So he started focusing more so on how to fight and the ways of war. During his late teen years he asked his father for an opportunity to create a new group of warriors. A group of warriors that didn't fight on the main battlefield. Warriors that specialized in using the surrounding area to their benefit. His father approved of the creation of the group and put Balian in charge of getting everything in order. He has lead several expeditions into the area to help rid it of bandits and other various scum. [/indent]