Shay grinned when Vera emerged, commenting on his singing and competent cooking. “Never had reason to sing, Vera. B’sides, you saw how certain people react to when I speak, imagine how they’d lose their minds should I feel a song in my heart.” Gesturing towards the food, he invited her to sit. “And no, alas, we don’t have to worry about a flaming adventure to cap off our day, I’m afraid.” He smiled warmly when she thanked him for his hospitality and kindness, for which she was rewarded with a small smile as he turned his stew with his fork. Taking a measured bite, he nodded approvingly. “Pardon my tongue, but damn fine stew, Vera. I should invite you over more often.” He said, breaking into a grin. He continued to eat slowly and steadily as she asked him about how he was related to the Wallis’, something he suspected would come up sooner or later. Setting his fork down on the bowl’s rim, he took a sip of the whiskey and drummed his fingers on the table, gathering his thoughts for a moment. “My father used to be one of the founding members of the Jolly Roughers, along with Adam Wallis. They shared a mother, whom I know next to nothing about. When times were rough, my father fled England to settle in Ireland to avoid the law, and he abandoned his extended family to their fates, to hell with ‘em.” Shay said, with an irritable handwave. “So, I found a letter in the mail before I shipped off to the war from Clinton, and that’s how I found out our blood ties. I never fit in in Ireland, being from an English family and all that, and here it’s more the same, but worse. The gang treats me right, mostly. That’s all that concerns me. Other than Sam, and now yourself, no one’s really bothered to know me on a social level. Won’t lie, Vera, life can be lonely sometimes. Surrounded by all sorts of people, but they don’t really know me. Just an Irishman with a talent with a rifle. Could be worse, I suppose. I could be French.” He said with a shrug, returning to his bowl of stew. “I trust that clarifies matters a bit? Why the Wallis brothers let a potato eating Mick in their midsts?”