Name: I will give him the same name... Alexander Zangief, but once he joins the the fists, he will be referred to as Ivar. Age:18 Gender:Male Rank(Disciple, Master, Bully, ECT):Bully Martial Arts Style(Unless you're a disciple): He is a trained boxer. Gang Affiliation(If any): Ragnarok, soon to become one of their most elite members. Looks:[img][/img] Height: 5'6" Backstory: I'll work on this later, guys. <_< >_>.... All I know right now is that scaling up the ranks of Ragnarok, until he becomes the sole leader. He is obsessed with this goal, and will do anything to meet it. Perhaps he has a control problem. I don't know. I'll figure it out. Crush(If any): Personality: Other: