Tris looked up, her brown eyes widening slightly and she became slightly panicked not noticing the boy until now, "y-yeah! N-Not that I-I wasn't calm before, I just- Um." She stuttered, swearing at herself in her mind for her stupid stuttering problem. "Yes." She said trying to sound more assertive and trying to sound as confident as possible, she looked down at her lap and clicked the off button on her music, thinking it rude to have music playing while talking to someone. "Hi, I'm T-Tris. Ni-ice to meet you." She said with a weak smile, wanting to slap herself for being so panicky around other people, her stutter had always been a huge source of insecurity for her, every syllable she tripped over was another blow to her gut and embarrassment. She felt hot, her embarrassment making her warm and become red, pulled down her dragon hoodie she shook out her hair and pushed it back behind her ears.